Prologue ~ Matteo De Santis

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Mentions~ Death, Abuse, 

Mentions~ Death, Abuse, 

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Matteo De Santis

6 years ago

I officially became the new boss of the De Santis mafia. I don't know how I feel it wasn't supposed to be passed down to me it was supposed to be Alessandro's son, but that won't ever happen. We just buried him today. If he didn't do it for her he wouldn't have a fucked up mindset and would have got the mission done. 

In The Loving Memory of

Alessandro Leon De Santis

My father couldn't even show up because he was disappointed and I think he didn't want to show emotion. He did lose his favorite son, but now that I am the head of the De Santis mafia and the new CEO of the business he doesn't like the look of that. He always thought I was the weakest. My sisters couldn't bare to look at the casket during the ceremony I just heard cries and screams. My mother couldn't stand or talk straight.

I stood in the back because I lost my only brother that was basically a father figure who taught me everything I needed to know. Alessandro's fiancee, Eva, was on the floor crying. He fell in love and she got to his head and couldn't think right he wanted the best. My father always said that love makes us boys weak. Sometimes I think he doesn't love my mother, but when I was younger I could hear them telling each other they love each other. Time has flown by and I don't think I heard love came out of his mouth.

I left the burial site and left my mother in her sorrows. My sisters couldn't stand it. He died in my arms, but in reality, it should have been me in his arms that was dead. I think it would have been a great help to this family. I heard a few days before the funeral my father said to Eva to stay away from this family and never come back, so I guess today was my last time seeing her. 

I drove back to our house where it was dark, cold, and now quiet. It's best to say that Alessandro was the light of this family and brought many smiles, so were my sisters but they might be like this for a while. 

" Matteo!," I heard my father call from his office.

Well shit here this goes

It's either the talk or abuse

For some reason, my father had the kind of anger all fathers do. Loud and terrible it lingers for your whole life. 

I walked into his office he was sitting down behind Alessandro's desk this was once his office. I decided to have my office somewhere else. I refuse to be in the office where I had some of the worse memories. This one is about to create a new one. He just takes his anger out on me, but I really can't do anything about it, but this time I am old enough to take care of myself and don't need anyone's protection anymore.

I hate how much I look like my father. I resemble him too much. The same eyes, hair, everything.

" This is the moment when you finally are the new boss. This spot shouldn't have been taken by you. You were never suppose to have this spot in this family, but here you are leading something too big for you. You should have been the one that died in that fight and now the Russians know every fucking thing. I don't know how you are going to fix this issue."

" You know damn what I should have been the one who died. Either way, you were going to have a dead son and you couldn't live with that. You knew he wasn't ready and you still let him walk onto that battlefield," I said with such confidence in my voice. He finished the bottle he had and held the glass in his hand.

He started to walk over to me furiously, but this time I stood my ground unlike the other times before. Next thing I know that the bottle dropped and I never laid hands on my father but today I did. Our fists flying at each other landing each one. My father bent down causing me to miss him. Then that glass bottle made contact with my head.

The last thing I remember was his emotionless face as I hit the ground hitting my head even harder and blacking out. I knew I wasn't going to win that fight with my father, but I had to man up this time.



Sofia wanted me to take Amy for the day, so I decided to be a good uncle and take the day off and take my niece out. This is probably one of the nicest things I have done in a while. Amy wanted me to turn some music on in the car and blast it with the windows down.

I did want she told me because she thinks she is the boss of me. I do spoil her and my nephew so I guess they know who to come to when they want something because they know they are going to get it.

We made it to the shopping center. I know I am going to exceed my balance today.

" Where do you want to go first," I asked as I unbuckled her. She started tapping her chin. I know she had a list of things to do and go.

" How about we get some cookies first," She said. Good start. We walked into the bakery and sometimes I forget the smell of freshly baked cookies one of my favorite scents, but the weird thing is I don't like cookies at all. 

" You get to pick two cookies and then we can move on to some shopping and no toys."

" Fine, ok, no need to be rude about it," She has an attitude just like her momma. I think Sofia needs to come to get her child because this attitude definitely going to get her in attitude. " Ok, I want the M&M cookie and the Snickerdoodle cookie," She said to the cashier."

I paid for the cookies and we left the bakery. Amy already dug her little fingers into the bag eating the Snickerdoodle cookie. I picked her up because she is a little too focused on the cookie more than on walking. Sofia said she need some clothes and told me her size so I am going to the nearest children's store.

Next thing I know I am surrounded by cameras and microphones.

" Mr. De Santis, How is the business going?"

" Is this your niece," I looked at Amy who was smiling at the camera. Her momma is about to be mad and I will have to pay them to delete the photos. Shit

Something was telling me to look forward and I made eye contact with this woman. She had a child's hand in hers. She had hazel eyes and she was beautiful the sun shone in the right places on her. She turned around and kept walking.

Now I have to find out who is that woman. This is going to be a dangerous ride and I am willing to find out more about her. 

Matteo's Prologue is done, everyone

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Matteo's Prologue is done, everyone. I actually liked writing his part for some reason and had lots to say about him. Read to find out more and more editing will be done to the book.

Edited ~ June 7, 2023

Word Count ~ 1290

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