Chapter Twenty-Three ~ I'll Look for Her

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Mentions ~  Guns, Knives, Mentions Killing, Death, Violence, Mature Language, 

Mentions ~  Guns, Knives, Mentions Killing, Death, Violence, Mature Language, 

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Matteo De Santis

Soon as I got back on the plane once it was finished I walked to the front where the pilots were. 

" I need this plane up now and back to Italy as soon as possible."

" Got it," I sat down in the seat I usually sit in and the engines on the plane started up. The flight attendants closed everything and the next thing the plane was moving down the runway. I called Sofia to make sure Yaelis gets to the house perfectly fine and try to calm her down. I didn't give her any details because it isn't my place to say. After I called Samuel to pick me up at the runway soon as I land. 

A couple of hours later we landed and the doors opened soon as we landed. Samuel's car was right where I wanted it. I got off the plane and went to his car.

" What's going on?"

" I'll explain later, but I need everything on Jason Biachi now."

" Ok, I'll tell the others," He speeded down the highway until we got to the house. I got out of the car and went into the house. Sofia was talking to Yaelis, but she looked out of it.

" I'll take it from here, Sofia," She left Yaelis with me.

" Let's go to my office," I took her hand and we went into my office. Yaelis sat down in the chairs closer to the door and I sat across from her. She looks so scared of not knowing what happened to Genesis.

" Do you know who took her?"

" It was Jason, it has to be him. That is the only person who would want to take her."

" I have anyone on that to locate him. I'll look for her and I will keep that promise, Yaelis."

She just looks at me. She's not crying she is just scared of losing her only child. I can't imagine how she feels and what is going through her head right now. I can't help but look at her. 

" My mother wouldn't like you to be here, but I'll explain. Come on," She followed me upstairs to the guest room in my quarter of the house. She lay down on the bed.

" Just call me if you need anything. I will be in my office tracking Jason down. Sofia and Ellowyn will come to check on you."

I went down to my office and Samuel walked in a closed the door.

" We have two locations where he could be. We got into the camera system at the airport. This was planned of course, but someone has to be working with him. Yaelis did say that Jason didn't know where she lived, so someone close to her or us had to look more into Yaelis to find out who was Genesis's father."

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