Chapter fifteen ~ Masquerade Party pt.1

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Mentions~ guns, blood, death, mature language, knives, drinking & drugs

Mentions~ guns, blood, death, mature language, knives, drinking & drugs

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Matteo De Santis

The private just landed in Russia. All the people who are a part of this mission are on this jet. All of my spies and people are working on the inside. Yaelis is sleeping in the row behind me. Lorenzo and Keedon are sitting across from me.

I have been putting last-minute plans together. Once the mission is done this jet needs to be in the air in less than two minutes unless this jet is going shot down.

Earlier yesterday we got into some of the walkie-talkies so we can listen to conversations and some mic headsets. They are speaking in Russian of course so Yaelis has been listening in on them for this whole ride she is going to report everything back to me before the mission starts.

" Is that van ready?" Keedon asked.

" Yes, I have some people setting everything up so y'all should get there and everything should run smoothly any problems report to me immediately.

" Anything else?" Lorenzo said slightly with an attitude. Still mad that he has to sit in a van. I am trying to save his life because this can either go the right or the wrong way. Yaelis has to get into character soon as we make it to the base.

We are in the car on the way to the base the party starts in the next three hours, so we have time to get ready. 

Soon as we got to the base everyone went into separate rooms and got ready. I got just put on a black button down and black blazer with some slacks and black shoes. I grabbed a pair of black sunglasses even though I should be in the back of the venue monitoring everything that is going on.


Everyone was loading up in vehicles and I was waiting on Yaelis to come out of the room. She is entering the venue with me but the only difference is that I am going through the back and she is going through the front. She shouldn't get spotted because I know someone knows what she looks like this disguise should work.

Yaelis came out of the room in a silver long dress with an open back the straps crisscrossing across her back. She had red lipstick on and a mask to cover her face also a blonde wig that looks like her real hair.

" You look beautiful besides the wig. I like your natural hair better."

" Thank you, you look handsome."

" Thanks, what is your fake name?"

" Mia Ivanov, also I got a little bit information of about the party tonight."

" Pretty name. What is the information?" We began to leave the base and head to the venue we got into the car since we are the last to leave we get there last and it is about an hour away from here.

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