Chapter four ~ Ballet Class

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Matteo De Santis

Goddamn it, Sofia

Why does she always make plans that I didn't approve of? I paced back and forth in my bedroom. Yaelis and her daughter, Genesis left hours ago. It is now 2 in the morning and I haven't slept in the last three days.

I sat on my bed and rubbed my temples. I actually have to watch the fucking kids. I have so much stuff to do. Money is missing, I have to deal with the Russians invading, so much stuff. Lorenzo can't do it all by himself. Keedon has his own shit to deal with.

Let me sleep it off and then worry about this bullshit in the morning. Maybe it's all a dream, please say it is a dream.


I finished buttoning up my shirt and putting on my holster for my guns. I put on my blazer and my gold watch. I finished up the rest of my morning routine and snuck out of the house, so I won't get called to eat breakfast with everyone. I don't like everyone in this house. I walked into the garage and turned on the lights.

I grabbed the keys to my bright red Porsche and got into the car. I clicked the button for the garage door to open. I back out and head to the base and then I will head to the office building. The view this morning is very colorful, the skies are like cotton candy.

Pink, violet, as the rising sun shines through the clouds.

The base parking lot was almost empty. I looked down at my watch, it is 6:45 am. I got out and opened up the building. I closed the door, and some of the techs were here already. I should have known it was them.

I walked into my office, the french vanilla smell hit my nose. I opened my desk for the files on the locations. I need some moles planted in these areas. Lorenzo walked in and sat in the chair in front of my desk.

" Matteo, we have a problem," He said, his voice sounding panicky.

" What is it?"

" The Russians are coming sooner than you think. They are having a special gathering two months from today. I am worried you are distracted by everything. Watching the kids in a couple of weeks. I can send them with Anya to a resort when everyone is gone. The girl, Yaelis we may need her, she is a good cause," I am going to kill this man.

" Yes, you can send them off to a resort they are in the safe hands of your daughter. The Yaelis part no. She doesn't need to get involved in this."

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