Chapter two ~ 1.5 Million Missing

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Matteo De Santis

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Matteo De Santis

I walked into the office building everyone was doing their task for the day that was assigned to them. I walked up the white marbled staircase with my assistant, Ms. Contoure behind me.

" Sir, so Mr. Rossi said that there is something serious that happened and needs to see you immediately. He is in your office," I nodded and waved her off. I opened the door to my office, my brother-in-law was sitting in front of my desk with two files in front of him.

" What happened?"

" Last night I had gotten an alert that somebody got into the bank account. 1.5 million dollars is missing from the account. The trace of the person is no longer there and we couldn't find any leads," I looked at him in the eyes and he looked down at the files and handed me them.

" Go do what you have to do. I will take care of it," He got up and left my office. I opened the files and there was the transaction of the money leaving my account. 

" Oh, shit," I placed my head down on my desk. My mind wondered about the woman I saw this morning and was rude to. She was beautiful with her long black hair and her hazel eyes. I lifted my head as someone walked into my office.

Today is going to be a busy day.

" What do you need?" I said and looked up it was my older sisters, Ellowyn and Sofia.

" Nothing, we just came to bother you," Ellowyn said and sat down on the couch and Sofia sat down next to her.

" What is going on?"

" Somebody stole 1.5 million dollars."

" Dang, have fun with that conversation with papa and mama, Matty."

" Stop calling me that it sounds stupid. Go on and go be with your husbands. Sofia, Romano was just in here."

" Yeah, I just saw him. We need you to do a favor."

" What is it? Better be nothing dumb."

" So, Samuel, Romano, me, and Elle are going on a trip in about two months and I want you to watch your niece and nephew. Please."

" No, dumbass. I am not watching y'all children. Ask mama and Lucifer."

" I can't because they are coming with us also."

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