Chapter Twenty ~ She's not yours

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Mentions ~ Arguing, Adult language, 

Mentions ~ Arguing, Adult language, 

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Yaelis Dixon

I need to leave this place. I need a damn vacation from everything and everyone. I knew I should've gone with Anya and the kids. Genesis lay in my lap as we watched tv. She turned on someone she wanted, so I am watching children's shows.

Soon as Genesis fell asleep for her nap of the day. I carried her to her room and laid her in her bed. I went to my room, sat at my desk, and opened my laptop. I want to go to London which will take a long time to get there and I would ask Sofia, but we aren't on good terms now.

London would be a good opportunity for my modeling career. I should ask my agent if he could get me a show in London, so I will have something to do. I know one of these days I can go on the walkway with Genesis.

Oh, shit, I need to plan Genesis's third birthday at the dance studio since she doesn't hang around other kids. I know there are about twenty kids in her class, so I will order thirty of everything. I started placing things in my cart for her party. I need to buy presents too. I am going to go broke.

I put up my laptop and peeked into Genesis's room. I know the neighbor has a son. I grabbed my keys and knocked on my neighbor's door. 

" Hello, Yaelis. Do you need something?"

" I just had a favor to ask. Can you watch Genesis I have some errands to run. She is sleeping, so I can bring her over."

" Yes, of course, my son is asleep also."

" Thank you so much," I unlocked my apartment and put some things into Genesis's bag. I picked her up and wrapped her in a blanket. I went back to the apartment and she opened the door. I laid her on the couch and kissed her forehead. 

I went back to my apartment and grabbed my purse and made myself look presentable. I pulled my keys out of my purse as soon as I got down to the garage. I made my way to the city. I have so much to do. Ever since I called Matteo last time I haven't seen him since. 

I went inside the store and grabbed a basket. I need simple things for her birthday party and the other kids. I grabbed a bag of candy and small toys to put inside the goody bags. I went to get some actual groceries for the house. 

I started to check off the things I put into my basket and put down the prices so I could keep track of the money. I wasn't paying attention and ended up hitting someone with the cart.

" Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention," I said as I looked up. My jaw dropped.

" It's okay, Yaelis," That voice. That voice I have been tormented by for years. The same face I had to see for years hurt me over and over again.

" Jason?"

" Yaelis, baby, I missed you so fucking much. Why haven't you come and see me yet? Where is my daughter at? I don't even know her name."

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