Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ Fashion

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Yaelis Dixon

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Yaelis Dixon

I actually have been watching my weight closely this week because today is the day of my show. I have been lying to Matteo this whole time about what I have been eating. He has called from business trips and also when he is here at home. 

I have been coming up with the most accurate and crazy meals. I just say I made them myself and eat them later at night, so no one really knows if I ate something or not. I have just been having fruit and a few vegetables for the most part. Matteo is flying back in soon from his trip, but by the time he is here I will already be at my show, so I will just see him there. 

The show is being hosted here in Italy, so no traveling for me, but they did release my next show maybe in Greece or England. I have not been to England, so I do have high hopes for England. Genesis doesn't have practice today, so we are outside enjoying nature. She has been picking flowers and bringing them to me. I guess I will have to make a bouquet of flowers from Genesis. I want Genesis to stay home and get some sleep, so she won't be at my show tonight. 

" Mommy, I am going to miss you," Genesis said as she crawled into my lap. " Guess what, I am going to miss you too," I said and she wrapped her arms around me. I kissed her forehead and pulled her toward me. " Mommy has to get ready to go, so let's head back inside and you can do some other activities inside with Jeanine," I said she nodded and I took her hand then we headed inside. 

Jeanine was at the table doing a crossword puzzle. " Do you want to color in some coloring books with me, Geni?" Jeanine asked and Genesis went to her without hesitation. Genesis loves her coloring books. I grabbed some things from my room since I was already dressed to head to the show.

The first thing I was getting down was my hair then makeup, and lastly getting dressed. I have two things I am showing off tonight and two different makeup looks and hairstyles. I have time between both outfits, so I am not in a rush. From what I heard there were some big influencers, designers, and photographers coming to this show, so I do have to look and do my best. 

I kissed Genesis goodbye and left. I had one of Matteo's drivers take me to the venue because I am sure Matteo would want to take me back on his own and plus I don't feel like driving myself anywhere. The ride wasn't long, but one thing it was very peaceful. We arrived there in about fifteen minutes, so I headed inside everyone was swarming around the place trying to get many things in order and some models were starting to get ready. 

I went to my dressing room and placed all my things down. The makeup artist who is supposed to be doing my makeup is finishing up someone else's, so now I have to wait until she is finished and I want a natural look. The hairstylist is doing someone's hair and then has another client before me, so I do have to wait a little longer, but one thing I know is that everything for me better be done before my first walk. 

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