Chapter Seventeen ~ Dance Recital

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Yaelis Dixon

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Yaelis Dixon

I finished up Genesis and I did light makeup. She was in her pink tutu with a black leotard. She was dancing around, but I made her practice her dance over and over so she could remember and not freeze up on stage. I haven't heard from Sofia or Ellowyn since the incident. I am still assuming Matteo is in the hospital because Lorenzo is still in charge.

" Mommy, Amy isn't coming back," I turned my head to Genesis. She looked a little sad about it, but she tries not to show it.

" Maybe she doesn't want to dance anymore. She probably wants to pursue something else," I tried to cheer her up hoping it would work, but she just gave me a small nod and went to her room. I put everything Genesis needs into her bag and grabbed my purse and put everything by the door.

I went to Genesis's room and she was playing on the floor with her stuffed animals. She looked up and gave me her cheesy smile and ran out of her room. I guess that means she is ready to go. We walked down to the car and strapped her in and headed to the dance studio where the recital is taking place. I forget how many different ages are performing tonight so I have to stay the entire time.

Once we arrived the parking lot was full and Genesis was holding my hand and skipping on the way inside. She has a little too much energy. I hope she puts this much energy into her dance today. 

She went backstage with the other dancers that are in her class. I hope she forgets about Matteo because he is definitely not coming and we are moving on from the people that are not going to be in our life anymore. I really need to stop talking to people and getting involved with people. That is how I got hurt in the first place and ended up as a single mother.

I sat down in the second row so I could get a good view and not many tall people were sitting in the front most of them were standing or sitting in the back. As shown passed on, I clapped for every single one. I really only came for Genesis. I only care about my child so could they hurry it up?

My eyes started to flutter as the music got slower and slower with each performance. Genesis group got called up next. Genesis walks out from behind the curtain with the biggest smile on her face. She was front and center. As the music started she danced gracefully for a two-year-old. I am actually impressed she didn't forget what she learned some of the other girls were either a couple of years older or one. 

As they finished up their dance. Genesis bowed to the crowd. She looks over at me and started to jump and wave at the same time. She acts like she hasn't seen me all day. She has been gone for a while so I kind of understand.

The show finished off with the older girls dancing. I walked down to the dance room where Genesis's class is. The parents were picking up their children and talking to the teacher. Genesis ran into my arms and kissed my cheek.

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