Chapter Twenty - Nine ~ Thank you, Matteo

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Yaelis Dixon

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Yaelis Dixon

I feel like a fucking queen right now. I decided to stay here with Matteo because he wanted to play my bodyguard and still is. I am pretty sure he is up to something he isn't supposed to, but that is a part of his job and I have to accept it if I want to stay here. I just don't feel safe going back to living on my own just yet.

I have been fully healed and I am cleared to be in the upcoming fashion show. I am so excited because I hate being away from work, but I still get lots of love from supporters and even some people in the agency. I hate that I had to lie about what happened, but that is how everything will be at peace and no one really knows what is going on.

Genesis has been talking about Chritsiano lately, but the thing is she hasn't seen him since I believe it was the week they stayed with the De Santis family. I believe she thinks that is her boyfriend because she has called him that multiple times, but I keep telling her that is a crush and soon it will fly over. Well, I hope this girl can do the unthinkable sometimes.

I have been wanting to do something special for Matteo, but he has been caught up with work and is tired when he gets back home. I want to thank him for everything he has done and for standing by my side even in the times I really didn't want him to. He was there for Genesis also, when I couldn't be there for her. He took her to practice and made sure she went over the dances. He cooked her dinner and took her out on small outings with Amy. He was like a dad that she never had.

I have been collecting ideas from Sofia and Ellowyn because they are the only ones who know what Matteo likes. Turns out he is hard to break through because they don't know either, so here we are trying to piece things together. " That's ugly," I said at the color choices Ellowyn was picking out. " Yaelis, you need to pick something. I promise you we went through everything fricking color in this damn store," Ellowyn groaned as she continued looking through the colors.

I decided to go somewhere that was on top of a hill. The thing is that this place is known for dates and you do have to set it up yourself and plus it is free. The only cost is the decorations I want everything as perfect as possible. I wouldn't call this a date, but more like a thank-you gift. " I think I should just buy something at this point," I said giving up. " Like hell you are. You know Matteo owns so many things and it would just pile into a collection. You need to be different and he needs to get off his feet for once so I can get my husband back, especially in my bed," Sofia said. Ellowyn and I looked at her in disgust and then we bursted into laughter.

" Elle, you know you miss your man in your bed too," Sofia said. " I can't deny that one," Ellowyn agreed with her sister. I wish I had a sister who doesn't blame me for the past or doesn't despise me.  " Anyways, what color then?" I finally gave up and asked for their opinions. They released a sigh of relief as if I was the most difficult person ever. " He is a dark-colored person, we are going to stick to that. His favorite colors are red and black as you know," Sofia said grabbing the blanket off the shelf and some decorations. I don't want to over due it, so I am keeping it simple I already have the food ordered, so when it is ready I can pick it up on the way.

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