Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Cuore Mio

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Mentions ~ attacked

Mentions ~ attacked

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Matteo De Santis

The move-in was successful, but now it's time that I focus on real business. Samuel just landed back here in Italy. He has good information from what he told me over the phone. He has files, recordings, and all. Let's hope he actually comes back I'm not trying to die from my bare sister's hands.

I waited in the meeting room for him since he wanted to see Ellowyn and Michael before he came through. Romano is sitting across from me on his laptop. Still silence from Aleksander's side, but I haven't made a move either just got the news that they finally blew up the warehouse, but everything was cleared since I expected it.

" I'm back," Samuel said and he walked through the doors with a white cardboard box in his arms. " Good to see you too, Sam, " Romano said to Samuel. I just nodded my head at him. He stood next to Romano and placed the box on the table. I walked around the table and stood by his side.

" This is only what I could take without him noticing. I made sure that I made a copy of everything. Also, I got some pictures, Romano, would you mind printing them if I send them to you?"

" I could do that now," Romano said as he looked up from his laptop. Samuel started to send Romano the pictures. Samuel turned his attention back to me soon as he was finished. " Ok, so this is the file filled with all of the names of his targets. He has the names of the mafias and then the names of everyone in the mafia. You aren't his only target, but you are on the top of his list," I looked at the paper. My organization is at the top, but I am at the very top.


Matteo De Santis, Romano Rossi, Samuel D'Vince, Lucifer De Santis, Yaelis Dixon

" Shit, he found out," Samuel took the paper out of my hands. " I don't think bodyguards will be enough to protect her. She needs your protection, Fratello," Samuel patted my shoulder. " She doesn't trust me, neither does she like me. I don't want to surround my guidance around her and Genesis the whole time. That means she has to live with me in order for this protection to happen."

" I don't know what to tell you, Matteo, if you want her safe and she has a child that will need that protection. Ease your way back and keep a close eye on her," He placed the papers down and pulled out three recording devices. " You should listen to these on your own time because they are too long and I don't feel like listening to these conversations again," Samuel smirked. I know exactly what contains in these recordings. Aleksander admits everything in sex and heated moments.

I really don't want to listen to this, but it's the only way I will find out. Samuel and Romano left the meeting room and I was left with the box. Just more files, but I know what is inside of them. I placed everything back in the box and took it down to my office. My phone started to buzz in my pocket, but I am not shocked it was my mother calling. She calls us every day since she 'misses us so much' her words exactly.

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