Trapped / Forty - Two

16 3 13



Ever since George and I started dating, Malfoy has not been seen anywhere near the group, which worries me a bit because he won't talk to anyone anymore. But at the same time, not my problem to care about.

It has been really fun being around George and his other's siblings. Fred is really fun to be around even before I started dating George but now, he's really fun to be around. He would tell me embarrassing but quite cute things about George and what mischiefs they did when they were little when we all hang out together with the group (without Draco). 

Pansy and Daphne have been non-stop asking me about details whenever we come back from dinner to our dorms or when we study together in the common room or in the library.

I also get to know Ginny, the youngest and the only daughter of the Weasley family, and to be completely honest, she's one of a badass. She's very popular in all houses and I was surprised that I didn't get to know her sooner. She and I would gossip with Marie and other girls about whatever is going on in the school and I also found out that she have a crush on the one and only, Harry Potter. 

That's a secret that Hermione told me.

And being with George is like being with an overprotective brother because... he would always be on guard with everywhere I go. Like everywhere I go. 

When I come out of classes, he would already be at the entrance waiting for me. He does know that we only just have been dating for about three days, but he won't let go of my hand whenever we meet each other in the hallways or corridors, and would only let me go when I'm at my next class. He would willingly be late to his own classes just so he can know that I got to my classes safety, as if someone is going to jump at me and duel with me.

Trying to be normal with the relationship that I'm sharing with him now -  since I've never been in one - has not been the most comfortable thing I've done but I'm learning to be okay with it. And I'm pretty sure that he has been in several relationships so I reckon he knows what do to do and what not to do.

Marie and Cedric also have been going out and hanging out more than they usually do. And she keeps apologizing to me for not spending time with me much lately but I always have to remind her that we will always have time to do that and she can hang out with her lover. 

It's now Friday at lunch and everyone has pretty much finished with their exams. Everyone was looking forward to the third task, which would take place a week before the end of term. Me and George also kept walking in on Ron, Harry, and Hermione all over the school, practicing hexes and jinxes. But I think someone gave them a place to practice since then, they were nowhere to be found.

Maybe Dumbledore. 

And the group finally got to see that the whole pitch is now overgrown with tall hedges, only when I dragged them to the Quidditch pitch.

"Well, you were right." Blaise nods, rolling his eyes as he rests one of his arms on my shoulder while putting the other on his hips, looking from the top to bottom of it.

"You're just mad because I'm right and you're wrong." I scoff, smiling as we all stare at the dark hedges in front of us, but my eyebrows scrunched together as something came into my mind.

Have I been here before? I've definitely been here before or seen it so well with my eyes.

"This looks familiar for some reason too." I bite the inside of my cheeks as I think, while Pansy's head snaps at me, "I've seen this before." I point a finger as I acknowledge the whole pitch.

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