its more of the same

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I'm South African, I'm sorry if my portrayal of the boys offends anyone. It's been brought to my attention that I "know fuck all about the UK"

Louis POV...

I just moved to this town, like a week ago. And I already have an enemy, that's excessive even for me. But its not my fault, the boy has it out for me. And I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut. I mean, looking at him right now. I'm sure he can find ways to keep my mouth occupied. Fuck I need to focus, what is this teacher even talking about, I can not stand biology. I mean, I enjoy the human body, boys to be specific. But I have no desire to study it in the classroom. But the bedroom is a different story. Fcksake I need to get my mind out the gutter.

*bell rings, signaling the end of school*

I get up in no hurry to get home, as I walk out of class this dickhead pulls me by my shirt. I turned around aggressively, "what the fuck"

"Don't be melodramatic" harry says. I don't have time for this. I mean I do, but I don't.

"What the fuck do you want" I ask impatiently moving further from him.

"They never taught you any manners at your old school?" He asks. Why is this boy stalling.

"Stop stalling, what the fuck do you want" I asked staring him dead in the eye. He pulls me outside towards the packing lot. Well I guess I'm going home with my books today instead of putting them in my locker. Fuckin great. I let myself be pulled by him, cause I don't have the fuckin energy to argue.

"I want to fuck you" he says, without any hint of shame or reservations. What the fuck is wrong with this boy.

"No" I say, pulling my arm out of his hands and moving towards my car.

"Why the fuck not?" He asks following me like a lunatic.

"Cause" I say.

"That's not a fuckin reason" he argues

"Well that's my answer so deal with it" I open my car.

"No" he says holding my door so I can't close it.

"Get your fuckin hands off my car" I hiss at him.

"Or what" he asks, arrogant as ever. I look at him, he's taller than me. And looks to be stronger than me, so I can't threaten to beat him.

"Or I'll bite them off" I say without thinking. Great now I sound immature. His eyes darken with lust, what the fuck.

"You like it rough do you?" He says moving his head to one side. Getting more comfortable holding my car door open.

"Just get your hands off my car" I repeat.

"Fine, but answer me this first"


"Are you straight?" He asks. Maybe I should say yes to get him off my back.

"Obviously" I say, as causal as I can.

"Stop fuckin lying" he says angrily.

"Why the fuck did you ask me if you already made up your mind about it" I look around ours are the only cars left in the student packing. "You're wasting my time, I want to go home"

He searches my eyes, as if the answer will suddenly be reflected in them. I look away, cause I can't stand to look at his fckn perfect eyes without him seeing I want to fuck him too.

"Look at me" he demands.

"Let go off my fuckin door" I retort.

"Just look at me Louis please" he says as if begging me to look at him. Firstly, In the week I've been here. He has not once actually used my name when referring to me. I look at him, what else could I do.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. I don't even want anyone to know. Why would I want people to know I'm fucking you. It will be our little secret" as soon as he uttered those words, I pushed him off my car and closed my door violently. He stares at me in shock, but I have no fuckin desire to explain myself especially not to him. Fuckin prick, I pull out the parking lot and speed in the direction of my house.

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