rock and a hard place

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I'm sorry I tried to fix it, but couldn't. This is meant to be part 39.

Louis POV

So boys whose taking me home?

Liam, "well I have your car, and you didn't sleep at home last night. I'm sure your mother is worried about you"

Harry, "Me"

They both stare at me, as if challenging me to choose between them.

I turn to look at Zayn, and he shrugs.

"Right, Zayn did you drive here or?" I ask him.


"Mind taking me home?"

He chuckles, "not at all"

I turn to liam and harry, "harry, could you bring Ed's kit to mine later? And liam, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"What about your car?" Liam asks.

"Well, fetch me in the morning?"

"Ok" he hugs me, "how are you getting closer to zayn and I'm not?" He whispers, groaning in my ear.

"It's me charm payno" I say. He let's go of me and walks to my car.

Harry looks at me, then gets into his car without saying anything.

"Well sir, your chariot awaits" zayn says bowing at me.

"Well thank you kind sir" i say doing another curtsy.

He smiles, and starts walking towards his car.

"Well I don't know where you live Tomlinson so, put your address on" He says, pulling out the parking lot.

"Right" i say typing my adress.

"How does it feel to have two boys fighting over you?" He asks me.

"It's not like that"

"Well it felt like that just then, and now here I am putting my hat in the ring."

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"Well, it seems if one wants to fit into this group. He must join the fight of, "whose spending time with Louis" and I'm not against that. You're a good lad, but I'm just saying that's how it seems" he says, eyes on the road.

"I...well, I never thought of it like that. I just Liam's my best friend. So is niall, even though I'm closer to liam. And harry's well he's harry. And it's like, you know where I come from. I didn't really have anyone. The one person I had, hurt me and used me. So liam is just the first person to care for me, without taking advantage of me " I explain.

"Mmh, well like I said, you're a good lad. I don't mind fighting for your honor" he says, teasing me.

I laugh at that, grateful that he didn't push me to tell him about my past.

"Well, we're here" he says, parking outside the gate.

"You want to come in?" I ask him.

"Ofcourse, I would never turned down the pleasure of your company" he says dryly.

I turn to look at him, frowning. "Uuum you don't have to come, if you don't want to. Thank you for the ride anyways" I say, rushing to step out the car.

He follows me, "its a joke, I was joking. You know, I figured that's how our relationship is turning out to be " he says, standing infront of me.

I look at him, "ok" I smile and open the gate, "you coming?" I ask him.

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