fast friends

332 14 11

I text my mom asking if my friends can sleep over for the weekend, which she's unsurprisingly surprised by.  I mean to be fair, I've only been in this town for two weeks.  But she says it's ok, so after getting Niall and Liam's clothes for the weekend.  We drive to my house.

"Nice house" niall said looking around without any reservations.

"Thank you, since you guys are here for the weekend.  Familiarize yourselves with the kitchen, I am not your maid. So make yourselves food if you're hungry"  and its that moment my mother decides to descend from her room. I say descend cause why she suddenly walking like that down the stairs. All royal like. I raise an eyebrow looking at her, mildly surprised.

"Louis, don't be rude to your guests.  I raised you better than that" she says smiling at Liam and Niall. 

"Right sorry, mom this is Liam Payne and Niall ...?" I turn to look at Niall.

He ofcs shoots his hand at my mom for a handshake "Horan, I'm Niall Horan" he says with a smile on his face.

"Niall Horan, nice to meet you. I'm Jay" my mom shakes his hand smiling kindly.

She turns to shake Liam's hand with the same kind smile on her face. "Anyways,  there's some mac and cheese in the fridge. You boys can warm it up later.  I left some money for takeouts." I look at her with an inquisitive look on my face.

"Oh, right. I'm going away for the weekend, I don't want to be in a house with 3 teenage boys.  You guys behave, don't burn down our house.  We just got it. And if you need anything, call me"

Before I can say anything, she hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.  Pulling at a suitcase I didn't even notice was by the door.  Did she get my text and immediately started packing?

"Mac and cheese huh, can we have it right now. I'm hungry" niall says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sure it's in the fridge, but let's leave our bags upstairs first" I say leading the way up.

"You guys can choose between those guestrooms at the end of the hallway, and this is my room. That one is my mom's, don't enter it" I say opening up my bedroom and dropping my bag and laying face first on my bed.

I feel myself starting to fall asleep, when there's a soft knock at my door.
"Come in" I say voice muffled by the bed and not bothering to move.

"I see throwing yourself on the bed is your thing" liam says sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Don't you dare judge me lima, I've had a long week" I say still not moving.

"I'm not judging,  Niall's hungry" he reminds me.

"Well if he can't warm up mac and cheese for himself, then do it for him. I need a nap" I say as I start crawling further into the bed.

"Louis don't be gross, take your shoes off. And how  are you going to sleep in your jeans" he asks voice stern.

"Take them off for me?" I whine.

"You're ridiculous" he says moving to start removing my shoes.

Niall walks in, "Louis?"

"Foods in the fridge Niall, the game room is the one next to my bedroom.  I'm taking a nap, I will join you guys in 2 hours. Make yourself at home nialler" I say turning around so Liam can pull off my jeans.

"Wait so, now that I have a nickname does that mean we're mates?" Niall asks excitedly.

"No" I deadpan.

"Oh" he says disappointed.

"I'm only joking, now tell liam to pull my jeans off instead of staring at his fingers" I tell Niall.

"I'll do it" he says walking fully into the room.

"Liam, I hate to do this to you.  Because you've been my mate for such a long time." I stress. "But i think Niall's your new replacement" I turn to liam jokingly.

He frowns at me, "right well, I'll go warm up the mac and cheese" he says getting off the bed.


He turns around, "who said I wanted to be your best mate anyways?" He asks with a cheeky grin.

Niall chuckles, I kick him..."what's so funny Horan?"

"Nothing, you guys just act like an old married couple" he says folding my Jeans trying to find a place to put em cause my room as always is messy.

"Well I have known the boy for two weeks, that's practically a life time Nialler" I tell him.  "Oh just put those on the chair, it doesnt matter"

He puts them on the chair and turns to me, "I hope I didn't mess up anything by practically inviting myself to yours. I hate being a third wheel" he says shyly.

"What no, it's okay. I was joking,  Liam's just me mate. Nothing more" I reassure him.

"Yeah okay, I'll just go check on that mac and cheese then" he says turning to leave the room.

"Close the door behind you" I reply as I get under the covers. Cause I really do need a nap.

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