fookin avocados

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Louis POV

I wake up the next morning, turn on
my phone. I have to be ready in the next 45 minutes If I want to get to school on time. Which if I am being entirely honest, I don't want to go to school at all. But it's either that, or be stuck at home doing nothing. Which by the way sounds great, but would get me lectured by my mom.

I pull myself out of bed, drag myself to my bathroom. I see myself in the mirror, my hair looks like a bird's nest. Well I guess that's what happens when you toss and turn all night, with images of a certain boy coming undone under you. Fuck, I don't have time to entertain these thoughts. I hop in the shower, then after I choose today's outfit. Which like clockwork, black and white vans. Black skinny Jeans, and since I'm feeling so gloomy, a black T-shirt. Might as well dress like I'm going to a funeral.

"Louis, breakfast is on the table" I hear my mother shouting from outside my door. I am not hungry, but food has already been made, so I might as well eat it. I pick up my books, my phone and my car keys. Walking to the kitchen I kiss my mother on the cheek. "Good morning mom" I say whilst walking past her. "Morning darling"

The said breakfast is toast and avocados, is she taking a piss?. I ain't eating this. I look at her with a frown on my face "mom, I hate fuckin avocados" she doesn't bother turning around to look at me. "They're good for you honey, just eat your food" I roll my eyes, pour myself some tea. I look at my phone, I am going to be late. I sip my tea, and give her a kiss goodbye and run to my car.

I get to school, and I wonder if Harry will treat me differently since you know. He basically begged to fuck me yesterday. I don't have to wonder for long, cause I see him walking towards me as I head to my locker. I look at him curiously, he glares at me, then proceeds to bump my shoulder making me hit the lockers. Great, I guess more aggressiveness from him then, I can't say I'm surprised.

I look at my schedule, all of my morning classes suck. I huff making my way to class. Next thing I know its lunch time, my whole morning has been a blur. I feel faint, I definitely should have eaten more this morning, instead of just having tea. But I'll be damn if i eat fuckin avocado on toast.

I hurry to the cafeteria to get something to eat before I drop on the fuckin floor. And what would you know, Harry's waiting outside the cafeteria with a look of determination on his face. I look away from him, I don't have time for this. He steps forward towards me, internally I roll my eyes.

"What do you want" I ask walking past him.

"Have you thought anymore about what I said?" He asks once again following me.

"No I haven't" I lie.

"Ok but will you?" He asked exasperated.

"No" I reply simply.

"Why the fuck not?" he shouts, a few heads turn to look at us. I don't need this, I rub the side of my head feeling a slight headache.

"Harry, listen to me. Because I will not repeat myself. I have no desire to fuck you or virse versa..." he cuts me off

"Wait so you, you like it both ways" he asks with a smirk on his face. Fuck me, did I just blow the whole "I am straight" lie I created yesterday. Who cares, I roll my eyes and continue.

"As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted" I say glaring at him just to get my point across. " I don't want to fuck you, and I haven't eaten all day. So move out my fuckin way"

"But.." he starts lifting his hand to put on my shoulder. Someones removes it swiftly.

"He said no" liam calmly replies behind me. I turn around, I didn't hear him approaching us. But it's the cafeteria, I think to myself.

"Why haven't you eaten?" He asks me ignoring harry completely.

"I, my mom made me toast and avocado for breakfast" I reply, a little taken aback. Was this boy listening to our whole conversation.

He quirks an eyebrow as if to say, keep talking..

"And I fuckin hate avocados" I finish.

"Why, that's what I have most mornings" he says. Before I can reply, harry clears his throat behind me. Great he's still here. I turn to look at him, and he's giving liam a death stare. What's that about, I'll ask liam later.

"So, Louis" he stresses unnecessarily, I roll my eyes at him. "Don't roll your eyes at me" he says, angrily.

"Fiiiine" I say, resisting the urge to do it again. "What do you want?"

He looks up at liam, then back at me. "I was hoping, you could um... help me in biology" he finishes lamely.

"I'm shit at biology, I was thinking of asking Liam to help me study" the mention of liam makes his nose flare up and he glares even more if that's even possible.

"I would love to" liam answers sweetly behind us. I turn and smile at him. I turn around and harry isn't there anymore. Great he just wasted almost half my lunch period and he just disappears, Typical.

"Thank you" I say to liam. " I mean you don't have to If you don't want to, I know maybe you just said that to irritate harry" I say, cautiously.

"No, I really do want to help" he answers walking to our table.

"Ok thanks", I say following him.

"Louis where is your lunch" he asks me sternly.

"Well it seems I haven't gotten it yet, dad" I am quick to reply.

He huffs and gets up, I look at him "where are you going?"

"To get you something to eat" he says like it's that obvious.

"Wait no, you don't have to" I say getting up so quick I make myself dizzy. Ofcs liam doesnt miss this and is quick to hold me up by my shoulders.

"Are you ok" he asks, concern clear in his voice.

"Yes I'm fine" I say weakly. "Just get me a snack or something"

"Ok" he says helping me sit back down. Well who knew liam was so caring. I feel eyes burning at the back of my head. Harry is sitting at his table with his two bodyguards staring daggers at me. What is that boys problem, I turn around to search for liam.

He comes back with a burger, fries and  coke. Well if this is his definition of a snack, who am I to argue.

"Thank you Payno" I smile sweetly at him.

"No problem" he answers blushing. "Just eat" he says sternly.

Right, well. "Sure thing" I say putting fries in my mouth.

"We have class in ten minutes" he says, and starts eating his own food.

I look at him and smile, well I think I might have just made a friend today.

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