first supper

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Louis POV

"I'm very glad you Boys are here, I was worried Louis would struggle to make friends" my mother says, smiling up at liam, Niall and harry.

"Why he's a great lad " liam asks in between bites. 

"Just that, it's the second to last year of high school. Most people have friends already.  It's much harder to fit in, and my baby got 3 friends in two weeks" she says proudly. 

"Mom I got friends, I didn't win the Nobel prize" I reply, embarrassed.

"I know darling, but I really very glad. It means you will have someone when I go away for work, i hate leaving you alone." She says, guilty ringing clear I her voice.

"Mom, it's OK. I mean in exchange for your company, I get to be a rich kid sort of. So you know, you can't compete with that " I try to joke.

"Louis, that's a rude thing to say" liam tells me, sternly.

I turn to him, "i know liam, I was I joke" I tell him frowning.

"Mmmh" he says, chewing his food.

This boy thinks he's my father I swear.

"Anyways,  Mrs Tomlinson.  I'm  very glad to have met Louis, i didn't really have any friends either before he came " liam says, blushing with embarrassment?

"Oh, why is that?" My mother asks, clueless to Liam's embarrassment.

"I don't know, I guess i just never clicked with anyone" he says voice low.

"Oh not even niall? You boys seem to get along just fine "

Liam chuckles, "yes well like you said, people had already chosen their friends.  So me and Niall were brought together by Louis here " he says smiling sweetly at me.

"I beg to differ "Harry says, head still down. And I'm shocked cause I didn't think he was even following the conversation.

"Oooh why is that?" I ask him

"Cause I brought Niall and  Zayn to you guys,  therefore liam and Niall are friends because of me"

"That's so out of context with the way it happened" I say, getting irritated.

"Whose zayn?" My mom asks, clearly sensing the tension.

"He's mine and harry's friend" niall supplies. 

"Friend? I thought he was your best friend" Harry says, looking at niall clearly trying to get the boy into an argument.

"Well, liam and Louis are my best friends now. I feel more welcomed with them. They don't leave me out of things or talk as if I'm not there " niall replies, trying to maintain his composure.

"Ooow nialler, I'm your best friend" i say with a baby voice, trying to lighten his mood.

And he immediately turns to me with a smile, "yes you are you idiot"

I pout, "I'm an idiot?"

Niall rolls his eyes at me, "he didn't mean that " Liam tells me.

I think I need to teach this boy a thing or two about sarcasm. 

"I know liam, i was just joking. But it's cute that you care though, am I your best friend too?" I tease him.

"Yes "

"Oh "

I will not cry at a dinner table, that's just something I'm not about to do.

"Thank you guys, you don't know how much that means to me " I tell them, a little emotional.

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