the edge

327 12 7

Louis POV

Harry is such an infuriating prick! He walks in and doesn't bother to greet anyone. And then disrupts our conversation. And spends all of lunch period interrogating Niall.

Now he's mad that I kissed liam, which fucksakes it was just a baby kiss. And Niall never got the chance to explain that, cause once again. Harry's temper got in the way.

After this weekend, I am pretty sure Liam doesnt have a crush on me. but he's got a crush on someone, I'm just not sure who.

Which is good cause I consider him and Niall my mates now, and romantic feelings complicate things.

Anyways,  harry the prick loses his shit about me trying out for the football team. Again, what the fuck?. Does this boy thinks he owns me or what? Its honestly fucking ridiculous.  And I'll just do my best to avoid him from now on.

I have liam and Niall, he can have zayn. Cause zayn has barely said a word to me since we met, so I don't think I'll miss him very much. But I need to talk to liam about this first. 

Preferably before tryouts, so I can be fully focused. Now seems like a good time, Liam's barely focused on what the teacher is saying anyways. Should I write him a note, or start whispering?

A note seems more fun, and if we get caught.  We'll just stuff it in our months.  I rip out a piece of paper and write:

Liam, I am tired of  dealing with harry's attitude during lunch.
I place it on his thigh... he looks up at me confused, I point to the note signaling he should read it.

He does and starts writing a response. 


I know, me too.

Well that was anticlimactic,  so I try again. 

So I was thinking, we move to a different lunch table. And him and zayn could have that one.

I pass him the note, I see him frowning as he reads it.


Zayn is friends with Niall... and Niall is friends with us. So why would we make Niall choose?

Ok, ok that's a good point. But niall wouldn't have to choose. He could just, I don't know.  Ugh, I'm too mentally drained to figure this out.

"Mr Tomlinson, would you care to read that note for the rest of the class?" I hear miss Paterson  asking, clearly irritated.  Fuck,

"Uuum no ma'am I wouldn't" I reply, avoiding the class that has turned to look at me.

"Then stop passing notes, or the next time I catch you. You're getting detention. That clear?"

"Yes ma'am"

Fuck that was close, I have tryouts after school.  I couldn't afford to get detention.  Niall managed to talk the catch into letting me and Liam try out, even though it's the middle of the season. So I can't fuck this up.

The rest of the class, I keep my head down. Cause I've no intentions of irritating the teacher.

The last bell rings, and I rush out of class to my locker.  Soon as I get there, I see harry. I thought he was ditching, but who cares.  I have places to be. So I open my locker and resolve to ignore him.

"Louis don't ignore me" he starts.

"I'm busy, go away" I tell him, still not looking at him.

"I'm sorry about today, I was just in a bad mood. I should have greeted you guys when I got to the table" he says.

"Harry, you've never greeted me since the day we met.  You just open your month and start talkint" I snapped at him, and slam my locker.

He clears his throat, "right that's true, sorry bout that"

"Whatever, are we done here?" I ask him anxious to go find Niall.

"What do you have somewhere to be" he asks, knowing very well the answer to that.

"Yes harry I have somewhere to be" I answer, my eyes narrowing at him.

What is is playing at?

"Where might that be?" He asks sweetly

"Harry I don't have time for this, you're making me late" I deadpanned.

He shrugs.

"So was there anything else you needed? I ask him already starting to walk away from him. He follows me, ofcourse he does.

"Can I come to yours after school" he asks uncertainly.

The thought of harry at my house, brings back images of our kiss. Making my tummy feel like it's got too much air or something.

It was a real great kiss, probably the best kiss I've ever had. But its harry, and I'm trying to avoid him.

"No harry you can't" I say decisively.

"But why not?" He says clearly taken aback.

I pause and turn to him "Because we're not friends harry, and I will probably be exhausted. And go straight to sleep after tryouts" I say looking him in the eye, to ensure my words get through to him.

He looks at his hands, "right, right... you're right. Could I maybe come by later then, after you've take your nap" he asks looking up at me hopefully.

Fuck me honestly, "sure, that's probably around 6:30" I tell him and sprint away from him before he could say anything.

I get to the field, and luckily I'm not late.  But Niall and liam were already on the side lines waiting for me.

"Where have you been" niall asks me.

"Uuum harry, yeah" I say turning to liam then back at Niall.

"Harry what?" Niall asks.

"Harry wanted to talk so I got side tracked for a bit" I say lowly.

Liam looks at me suspiciously.  Which I guess it makes sense, cause I almost got detention telling him, I want to avoid harry. Now I'm late, because of harry.

Maybe it's best I don't tell him harry is coming over later.

"Here comes coach" niall says excited.

"Afternoon boys, you ready for this" he asks us.

"Yes" me and liam answer in unison

"Clearly not, cause how will you run in skinny jeans" he asks clearly unimpressed.

"Shit right sorry, I... I didn't know If we should bring our jerseys or not" I mumble.

"And so instead of being prepared, and bringing em just incase. You choose not to?"

"Sorry coach" I say, mentally kicking myself.

"Horan, get them both some jerseys and let's see what they've got" the coach says dismissing us.

I let out a sign of relief, cause that could have been it for me. Atleast liam has his Jersey with him. Mines in my locker, which I forgot to grab it. Because of that giraffe named harry.

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