broken telephone

327 11 10

Harry pov

"Harry, wake up" I hear obnoxious knocking on the other side of my door. And my mother's irritated voice. Its fuckin Monday, and I am already pissed.

"I'm up" I shout at her. I mean I could be grateful that she wakes me up. But she clearly doesnt do it out of love, so fuck her.

I get up, pick my outfit for the day. I'm tempted to pair my black skinnies with a white shirt, but no. Its Monday, and my outfit must reflect my mood. Which is fuckin gloomy.

Louis and I didn't text at all this weekend, and Niall the traitor hasn't been very helpful with the updates.

So, all things considered I am in a very bad mood.

I shower, get dressed and make a beeline for the front door. Breakfast chit chat isn't a thing I want or need today.

The first thing I see is Louis, liam and Niall coming out of Louis's car. Which what the fuck? How long was this sleepover or did they just move in to his house.

I can't deal with this right now, so I just turn on my heels and head to class.


I walk to the cafeteria, I'm hungry cause I didn't have breakfast. But my morning has been shit, and I don't have an appetite. So i just head straight to, i guess what is our table now. Cause i see Louis, liam, niall and even zayn sitting together.

Another thing, I haven't talked to zayn since I left his house. I just didn't know what to say to him. He said we're friends right? So this shouldn't be awkward at all.

"Zayn, you should have come man it was a really fun weekend. I'm telling ya" niall says excitedly.

"Well please fill me in on the weekend, that I also missed out on" I say, as i sit down next to zayn.

Niall turns to me, eyes widened in shock? "Oh, hi harry" he says. Why is this boy surprised to see me here? I can feel myself getting even more irritated.

"Hi Niall" I deadpan.

Zayn clears his throat, I turn to him. "What?"

"I told niall, that our arrangement is over" he whispers.

So I guess that's why he's shocked to see me. Which I'm his friend too ain't I? Like just cause I'm not fucking zayn anymore he thought what? I would just disappear?

"Why the fuck did you do that? I ask him, my voice low. But clearly irritated.

"Because he's my friend" he says like it's so obvious.

"Whatever man" I say turning away from him.

I feel a hand on my arm, "what?" I ask sharply. I see zayn physically flinch and moving his hand from my arm.

"I just think we should talk about this" he says, almost begging me.

"Fine, but not here"

"Ok" he says, his face back to neutral when he turns back to the other three. Who had been clearly watching our little exchange.

I turn to Niall expectedly, "well how was the sleepover?" I ask, with feigned patience.

"Ooh right well, uuum the whole thing like from Friday till Monday morning or like a summary" he asks, uncertainty clear in his voice.

"Everything" I said grinning like a crazy person.

"Right, ok" he starts. "We left school..."

I block that part out, cause I already know what happened.

"Anyways, when we got to his house. He went to sleep, cause he said he was tired"

I turn to look at Louis, and he just shrugs and continue to eat his burger. Which, is that all he ever eats. I turn back to Niall whose still talking.

"Yeah so me and liam played video games, in the game room till Louis woke up"

Why is he saying game room, like it's his game room as well. Like he didn't feel the need to specify that it was Louis's game room. Trust niall to visit one weekend, and already he's at home.

"So then Saturday since we hadn't had the movie marathon, on friday...."

Oh shit, I missed out on most of the things he said, I think turning my focus back on him.

"So we went to Liam's house to get all the marvel movies he had, and adding the one Louis had. We decided to do a marvel movie marathon"

Boring boring boring, I don't think I missed out on much of anything really.

"But we had to skip a few movies, like captain marvel. Because it would take hours to actually watch all the movies. So why even waste time you know?"

"Yeah yeah"

"Anyways, so after that. It was like 3 Am today. We went to sleep. And yeah" he says finishing the story.

"So nothing interesting happened?" I asked him.

"Well, I did dare liam to kiss Louis... if you think that's interesting" he says, smugly turning to both Liam and Louis... who immediately pay extra attention to their meals. But clearly, their lunch is done.

"You what?!" I shout at him.

"Whaa what? I just, we were just talking about our sexuality and stuff" he says uncertainly.

"Ok, so then how do you go from discussing sexuality to asking people to kiss Nail" I say clearly fuming.

"Don't call me that" he says avoiding my question.

"Well I wouldn't have to, if you didn't pull stunts like that"

"Stunts like what?!" He says clearly irritated now.

"It doesnt fuckin matter, I'm out of here" I say starting to get up.

"You're going to class or ditching" zayn asks me, holding my arm to keep me from leaving.

"I don't know" I say.

"Well Niall, i guess I'll see you after school for football tryouts?" I hear Louis.

I turn around, "you're doing what?!" I ask, staring directly at Louis.

He turns to me with a bored expression on his face. "Hello harry, how are you? You're good? Yes, so are we" he says voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Right, ok. Whatever, what's this about you going for football tryouts?" I ask him.

"Exactly that, me and Payno here want to join the football team. Ain't that right payno?" He asks turning to smile at Liam.

"Yeah that's right" liam says smiling back at Louis. Which fuck this honestly.

"Fiiine, whatever." I turn to leave. Which unfortunately for me, is the end of period. So everyone is trying to leave. Like I have to squeeze myself within this crowd. Fuck me.

Fuck! I shoulda stayed at home today. This day only managed to get worse.

Louis in the football team?. Where they wear sinfully tight shorts? Which I would know, cause I've fucked half the football team already. Fuck!. I don't even think I can convince him to not join, maybe I should just join the team as well.

But, that's too much responsibility and I don't have the energy for it. I'll just have to make sure, I fuck him before he joins that team. And then it won't matter to me, when he runs around in sinfully tight shorts, with that ass of his.

Going to class doesn't seem all that bad now, seeing as I've got a plan to get Louis out of my system. One fuck, and I'm on to the next one. Easy peasy...

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