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Louis POV

"Yes daddy"

He makes an approving sound at the back of his throat. 

Harry moves to sit with his back on the headboard, eyes concentrated on me.

"Come here" he says, patting his lap.

I quickly move to straddle him, then I realize I'm still in a towel with nothing underneath. So I just kneel between his open legs. 

"Remember that thing, I said I would tell you about on Saturday?" He asks.

"Yes " how could I forget.

"Good, well this is it " he says, hand gesturing at nothing, above his head. 

"What are you talking about?"

"I sometimes like to be called daddy,.. in bed" he huffs, like its ridiculous he has to spell it out for me.

"Oh, is that why you asked me to leave? Were you embarrassed"

"Yes, I didn't mean for it to slip out like that. I wanted to give you time, to get to know me first."

"Oh, why do you like to be called daddy?"

He answers simply,"Cause I'm a dominant"

"Does that make me a submissive?"

He let's out a surprised laughter, "what do you know about BDSM?"

"I've read fifty shades of Grey harry " I say like its the most obvious thing.

"Oh that shit, how are you gay and reading fifty shades of Grey?"

"I was curious" i say, defensively.

"Right well, I'm not a dominant because I had a shitty past. Or I have some sort of trauma.  My parents rarely being around hardly qualifies as traumatic. I just, enjoy it. I do it because I enjoy it. So get that Christian Grey idea out of your head "

I nod so he knows I'm listening,

"And me being a dominant doesn't make you a submissive. But I don't think this would work very well, if you demanded I call you Daddy" he says teasing me.

I chuckle at that.

"I don't want to push any labels on you or whatever, but now that you know this about me. You're not obligated to keep having sex with me, if you're not comfortable" he says, uncertainly.

"So, does being a dominant mean you'll only be topping and I bottom?"

I need to get as much information before I make a decision, even though a part of me already knows. I don't want this to end.

"No, I haven't exactly bottomed before. But that's only because I didn't really feel comfortable enough with the people I slept with to bottom. It's stupid but, it just feels more intimate. And i didn't want to give that up, for just anyone" he mumbles the last part.

"Even Zayn?" I ask, trying to mask the jealousy clawing at me at the thought of him and zayn.

"Yes even Zayn, and maybe that's why we never actually dated." He says, as if thinking outloud.

"I would like to top, eventually" I tell him.

"Eventually being when?" He asks, pulling away from me.

"Just eventually, I need to know that it's an option"

"Ok "


"Yes "

I let out a breath of relief, we might not be in a relationship. But I need for us to atleast be equals, instead of me just being a warm body for him to use.

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