ball keeps rolling

371 17 25

Louis POV 

After spending the afternoon at Liam's. We didn't really do any studying, but we talked for hours. And I realized I really enjoy his company, and I got to know him a little bit. He's a good lad, very protective of what he cares about. But that's a good trait in a friend I think. When I got home, I took a nap. Woke up very late to microwave my dinner and went back to sleep.

*next day in the cafeteria*

"So you agree Captain America was in the wrong" liam asks, filling his mouth with fries.

"That's not what I said" I reply. trying to discuss this film with him is like pulling teeth.

"Then are you saying, it is ok to beat your best friend up. Defending someone who killed his parents and basically robbed him of his happiness." he asks pointedly.

"Well firstly, iron man wasnt even that close to his dad" I argue. "And secondly bucky was brainwashed, he didn't know what he was doing"

"So that makes Steve's betrayal ok?" He asks.

"No" I say getting irritated with having to repeat myself. " I'm just saying, it's not as simple as people make it seem"

"Well it is simple to me, you're either loyal to one person. And defend them no matter what, or you betray your friends when they need you the most" harry says sitting next to me.

I turn to look at him, "what the fuck do you want?"

He smiles smugly, "I'm just making conversation"

Before I can answer, a hand is shoved in my face, "hi, I am niall Horan" the boy says with a hopefully look on his face.

I've been a dick to him once, no need to do it again. "I'm Louis Tomlinson" I say taking his hand to shake it.

"I know" he says smiling wider, cause apparently that's possible.

"Alright" I turn to Liam whose paying extra attention to his fries. I look next to him and the boy with the bored facial expression is sitting next to him, texting.

I look at harry, "oh that's zayn" he answers my question without me asking it.

Zayn looks up at me and says nothing. Alright I guess that's that.

"So you guys are marvel fans huh?" Niall asks, as his hand makes it's way to my fries.

I slap it away, "oow what you do that for" he asks, clearly offended.

"Get your dirty hands away from my food, and yes we are." I say in answer to his previous question.

"Ok" he says and pulls out a small bag of chips from his pockets.

I turn to harry whose been watching our exchange with amusement. "Harry me and Liam are trying to have lunch, you guys are making him uncomfortable, please leave"

"I'm not uncomfortable" liam answers under his breath. I quirk my eyebrow at him. Which he doesn't see, cause he's busy staring at his food.

"See" harry answers with a smug look on his face.

I start to roll my eye, he squeezes my arm and says "don't you fuckin dare" the lust clear in his eyes. I look at him curiously, what's his fuckin deal.

"Right whatever" I say ignoring his hand that's still on my arm. "What do you want harry?"

"To have a conversation with you" he says.

"Well I don't want to talk to you" I reply.

"But why not" he pouts. Fuck his lips look even more kissable when he does that. I find myself staring at them, and when i finally look up at his eyes. I blush cause he clearly caught me staring at his lips.

"Because I am having lunch with my friend" in the background I can hear Niall starting a conversation with liam.

"Well your friend" he stresses that word, "seems preoccupied at the moment"

I turn to look at him, and he's sharing his lunch with Niall. Arguing about who was right between captain America and Iron man. Traitor I think to myself.

I look back at harry, "well I should be getting to class, lunch time is almost over" I try to get up. He holds my arm to keep me on the seat.

"Can I have your number" he asks, whispering.

"Why are you whispering" I ask whispering.

He chuckles nervously, "no reason, so can i" he presses.

I mean what could it hurt, "give me your phone" he complies and I put my number in.

I turn to Liam, "right since you've clearly made other friends, I'm leaving"

He looks back at me and starts to get up, " I'm coming with you" he replies simply, without acknowledging his betrayal.

I roll my eyes at him but smile cause, I would have been offended if he choose to stay behind.

*my phone vibrates in my pocket*

Unknown number: "your ass looks great in those Jeans, but I want to ripped them off you"

I stop, and turn around to look at harry. He's staring right back at me with a suggestive smile on his face. Oh boy, I already regret giving that idiot my number. I pocket my phone and walk faster to catch up with liam.

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