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Louis's POV

It's Friday morning, and I'm extremely exhausted. We had practice yesterday, and we will have practice today too. As to why the fuck we have practice three times a week? Make that shit make sense.

But atleast, I'll have a great ass when the season is over.

"Darling are you up?" I hear my mother outside my door. And it's I can do not scream at her to get the fuck away from my door.

It's not that I don't appreciate her waking me up, but every inch of my body hurts. And all I want to do, is wrap myself in my blankets and sleep five more hours.

I say five more hours, cause me, Niall and liam slept late.

I think their parents are becoming concerned about their whereabouts.

Which is why, Me and Niall are spending the weekend at Liam's then the next at niall's. Seems only fair since they spent most of the week days here, then their parents could see they're not out doing drugs or something.

And as much as I love my friends, I also like some alone time. Which I haven't had much of lately, but I'm not complaining.

It's just that, now that I've settled here and made friends. Mom feels more confident in leaving me alone during weekends. Therefore i should be sleeping for the next 48 hours, not making nice with the Payne family.

"Louis william, are you still sleeping" I hear my mother, knocking harshly at my door.

"No, I'm up " I tell her, dragging my aching body out of bed.

"Oh, good then. Breakfast is ready" she says moving away from the door.

I drag myself to the shower, and just let the hot water hit me for several minutes. It's almost soothing, if only I could sleep after instead of going to school.

I get out of the shower, and decide on some sweatpants, a hoody and toms. I'm too exhausted to be walking around in tight jeans.

Maybe harry's going to take pity on me, since I look like shit. And actually talk to me. He hasn't said not one word to me, since he left the house a few days ago. Or even looked in my direction, well not thats not accurate.

I can feel his eyes on me all the time, he just looks away as soon as I turn to him. So we haven't talked or made eye contact in days.

And i miss him, I miss him so bad it makes me ache worse than running the field 10 turns yesterday did to me.

At this point, i would gladly have him push me against the fuckin locker. Just to have some sort of contact with him.

Maybe he's moved on you know, maybe he's tired of chasing after me. And found himself a good lay who doesn't make him wait.

Which i should be happy about, but I just miss him sooo much.

"Are you wearing that to school?" Huh? Wait what. Right I just pretty much went through my morning routine without taking notice of it.

And what is my mother talking about? Right right, my outfit. Before I can answer her, i feel a hand on my forehead.

"Baby, are you okay? Do you need me to call you in sick? You seem out of it today " she asks me, clearly concerned about me.

I could lie, I'm tired anyways. A day away from school would do me good. But I've already showered and i want to see Harry, even if he's not talking to me.

Wait maybe he might be concerned about me, if I don't come to school. And them finally talk to me?

"Louis, I am talking to you " my mom says, sounding more irritated than concerned now.

"Right no, I'm sorry...I'm sorry mom. I'm just a bit out of it. I'm very tired" I tell him, with a small smile.

"Ok, do you want to stay home instead of going to school?"

"No no, I have practice after school. And it would be better if I get my body used to this kind of intense exercise so eventually, I won't feel like death after pratice" I explain to her. Which is true, but also there's a head of curls I'd like to see before the weekend.

"Alright then, you know I'm going away on business this weekend. I'll be back Monday afternoon. I'm leaving you some money for anything you might need. And obviously you can call me at anytime" she tells me, turning back to her breakfast.

"Alright thank you mom"

Wouldn't it be better to spend this weekend with harry inside of me? Instead of having him in my head 24/7.


It's like the more time I spent without him, the more I crave for him. I mean for his company you know.


I am ashamed to admit, but not really... that I slept through my morning classes. Even maths where liam tried to wake me up several times, I just couldn't be bothered to hear about the square root of 59 or whatever.

Lunch time, I kind of want to go sit under the tree and listen to my music. But I can't just leave liam alone. You see me and harry have grown apart, but him and Niall have only grown closer.

So I can't be sure if Niall will sit with Zayn and Harry or with liam.

Me: wanna sit outside during lunch today? I really don't want to be in the cafeteria.

Liam: Alright, do you have anything to eat?

Me: no, I'll be under the trees.

A few minutes later, I see liam walking towards me. Carrying our lunch, I swear I should just give this boy my lunch money.

"Are you ok " liam asks, soon as he reaches me.

"Yes, I'm just really tired. And i want to cuddle" I tell him, making the cutest face I can muster.

"You're such a child, how will you eat and cuddle?"

"I'll sit on your lap?"

"That's ridiculous" he says, but pats his lap for me to sit on anyways.

I will not admit if I screamed a little bit or not.

Me and liam have lunch ,with me sitting on his lap and laying my head on his chest. In comfortable silence.


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