even faster lovers?

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Louis POV

When I wake up, the first thing I notice is that its dark outside. I stretch my limbs lazily, and crawl out of bed. Cause I definitely need something to eat. I hear two voices coming from my game room, and I still for a moment cause what the fuck?!. I can fight, but can I fight two people?

I sneak back into my room trying to gather my thoughts, "liam that's fuckin cheating mate" I hear one of the voices.

Oh fuck me, its Niall and liam. Oh no, I slept way longer than I thought, shit. I am a shit host, but atleast they had each other, I conclude.

I make my way to the game room, "hello boys, how's it hanging?" I try to make a joke.

But they're both too focused on the game to notice me, well that's bloody offensive isn't it.

"Aaaah liam!!!" I scream, he immediately puts down the controllers and runs to me.

"What, what's wrong, are you hurt" he asks frantically checking if I have an injuries.

"No" I say moving away from him and further into the room, "you guys were ignoring me, so I thought let me scream and get your attention"

Niall starts laughing, liam rolls his eyes exasperated. "You had me shit scared, just to get attention" he asks, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Well let's all just remember, I wouldn't have had to, if you didn't ignore me" I whine.

"You're fuckin ridiculous" he says giving up on the argument.

"So how was your "nap" mate" niall asks emphasis on nap.

"Very long, and very relaxing. You guys have fun without me? I thought I was the glue to this trio?" I say completely ignoring Niall's jab at me for sleeping too long.

"If anything Liam's the glue, cause you know. He got along with you first, then me. And now us 3" niall concludes, like its some sort of brilliant observation.

"Whatever, I'm hungry." I say starting to get up.

"Me too" niall says getting up with me.

"Right well what's for dinner?" I ask looking between the two of them.

"Its your house mate" niall answers walking further out the room.

"Well if I remember correctly, its our house for this weekend. Cause my mother left" I tell him, following closely behind him.

"Well then, there's mac and cheese in the fridge" he says, not bothering to turn around.

"But I don't want mac and cheese, I want a burger"

"Then why did you ask, what we're having if you already knew you wanted a burger?"

"Cause I'm a good host Nialler" I suss him.

"Hardly, you fell asleep for hours" he retorts, pulling out the mac and cheese from the fridge.

"Whatever, we're driving to Macdonald's" I say decisively.

"I'm too hungry to go to Macdonald's, I want to eat right now" niall says, as if he would die if he left without eating.

"Just warm up the Mac and cheese, you will eat it, on the way" I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Alright fine" he finally agrees.

"I'm gonna go get liam" I tell him moving to the stairs.


"Lima, we're going to Macdonalds" I start singing as I walk up the stairs.

"Uuum can I have KFC instead" he asks coming out the game room.

"Well in that case, can I have nandos" niall adds with a mouthful of mac and cheese.

"No, and no... we're having Macdonald's" I tell both of them.

"Right, right.. what's that you were saying about being a "good host" tommo" niall asks.

"Tommo? That's new" I say as i reach him.

"Yeah well, Liam came up with it. But I liked it so" he answers sheepishly.

"Its brilliant, now how about that macdonald's before I faint?" I say already reaching for my car keys.


"Louis did you eat my fries in the car" liam asks me when we get to the game room and start dividing what we ordered .

"No, I ate fries in the car. If you had the misfortune of those fries being yours then. I don't know what to tell you" i reply, getting my own fries that were uneaten.

"Then just give me yours"

"Ugh fiiine, but next time we buy fries for the car ride too. It's not my fault i was hungry" I tell him, indignantly handing him the fries.

"Next time?" Niall asks, looking between us.

"Yes Niall, and yes you're invited" I tell him.

"Brilliant" he says going back to his meal.


"So what we playing, cause I only have two controllers?" I tell them after we've finished our food.

"Board games?" liam suggests.

Niall huffs, "ofcs you would suggest that" he shoots at him.

"Well do you have a better idea?" Liam retorts.

"No" niall says under his breath.

"I didn't think so" liam says.

"Right, ok love birds. So monopoly or scrabble?" I ask them.

"Monopoly" they say in unison.


After a few hours of playing monopoly, me and Niall losing everything we own.

"Alright I think that's enough of that, should we watch one movie now. Or we'll do a whole movie marathon tomorrow?"

"I'm knackered" niall replies, with a yawn to emphasize his point.

"Right well, I'm going to bed" I say getting up.

"Both yol are just sore losers" liam says getting up as well.

"Whatever lima, we're going to bed" I say, making for my bedroom.

"Goodnight" niall says to me.

"Goodnight boys, don't do anything I wouldn't do" I snicker at them and shut my door without waiting for their replies.

Well this was a really good start to the weekend, I think maybe Niall and i will be good mates as well. I mean he's best mates with zayn and harry, but he seems keen to make new friends.

Thoughts of harry make me reach out for my phone to check if he texted me. Not that I expect him to have texted me, but... anyways I'll just check.

No text notifications from him. Should I just text him? He did seem upset when he left the cafeteria. But what would I even say, I'll just see him on Monday.

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