what will it be?

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Louis POV

I don't know how to act around harry anymore, like I know we had sex yesterday. But we also had a bit of an argument right after. And he more or less told me I was nothing but a warm body. But then he came back to cuddle, when he realized I wasn't ok.

All these mixed signals, i don't know what to do.

"Why is harry staring at you" liam asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts of said person.

"Aaah I don't know" I reply looking anywhere but at liam.


"What?!" I snap defensively.

"Right ok" he says going back to his notes.

I sigh and turn to look at liam, "I'm sorry liam, I'm being a dick. I'm sorry"

"Its ok" he mumbles.

Clearly it's not ok, "I'll tell you during lunch period or after school" I tell him, hoping he's going to forgive me.

His warm brown eyes turn to me, and an easy smile stretches on his face. "Yeah?"

"Yes liam you nosey bastard" I reply with no malice in my voice.

He chuckles.

I look up to see that harry is indeed staring at me, what the fuck is that about. I'll just have to avoid him. I need to talk to liam anyways.


Me and liam walk into the cafeteria, I go to the table whilst Liam buys our food.

"Why does liam always buy your food?" Niall asks me, as he sits down across from me.

"Cause I'm a cute damsel in distress?"

"And I'm not?" He asks offended.

"You are niall" liam says handing me my, mac and cheese? What happened to burger and fries.

"Why the change?" I ask him staring at my food like it wronged me.

"You can't always eat the same thing, it's not good for you. Now eat" he tells me already digging into his mac and cheese.

"I was really looking forward to a burger" I mumble, picking up my fork.

Niall laughs, and it's all I can do to not throw this fork at him.

"Anyways, you have something to tell me" liam says.

I stare up at him surprised, I can feel Niall's eyes on me. Why would liam bring this up in front of Niall.

"I can leave, if the conversation is a private one" niall offers clearly noting my discomfort.

Effectively making me feel guilty

I mean he's as much my friend as liam, right?, and I wouldn't want him to feel excluded.

"No no, you don't have to go. You're as much my friend as liam" I tell him, and I see relief wash over his face.

"Ok" he says with a grin.

"Its really not a big deal, me and harry. We did things yesterday. Like kissed and stuff. But it's not a big deal" I rumbled through my confession.

"I thought you wanted to avoid harry"

"Why the fuck does harry always fck my friends"

Niall and liam say at the same time.

Me and liam turn to Niall, "what do you mean"

Niall realizes he must have said that outloud, "aaaah I just mean that you know. Zayn's my friend. And him and harry were fucking. And I always felt left out. You know, cause they had a different kind of relationship with each other than they didn't with me." He rumbles looking at his hands.

I mean I guess this explains alot about the way niall acts. But harry fucked zayn?. Why does this surprise me. And what? now he's tired of zayn I'm his next target?

"Za zayn is gay?" Liam stutters in a low voice.

"Yeah" niall says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Liam's reaction to this reminds me of the first time we sat with zayn, niall and harry. It's just out of character for him.

"Do you have a crush on zayn?" I blurt out.

He whips up his head to look at me, sooo fast I'm concerned for his neck.

"Wh why would you think that?" He stutters. Looking at me like I've just accused him of murder.

"Your reaction right now" I deadpanned

"What, what about it?" He squeaks.

"Liam come on"

"Ok fiiine, its not a crush. I've just always liked zayn" he admits, shoulders sinking in defeat.

"When you say always lima, what do you mean?" I ask, smirking at him.

"Don't you dare laugh at me" he accuses

"Me? Laugh at you? Never, I would never do that. Now explain what you meant by always" I ask, fox innocence.

"Since the first time I saw him, when we started high school" he mumbles.

"Ooooi you've had a crush on the lad for 4 years? 4 years liam!" I say raising my voice without noticing.

"Keep your fucking voice down you idiot" he hisses.

"Right, right. Sorry mate. But wow" I turn to Niall. Whose just been watching our exchange quietly.

"Nialler, why ain't you shocked" I ask him exasperated.

"I don't know, it kind of makes sense. Just like you and harry, I can see it happening." He hums, stuffing more food in his mouth.

"What?!, me and harry. I thought you said harry Slept with zayn." I ask him, clearly confused by his nonchalant.

"He did"

"So how come you can see me and him being a thing" I ask him, I don't know if I'm just curious or I need assurance that me and harry could work.

"Gut feeling" he says, dead serious.

"Niall that's ridiculous" I snap.

"Is not"

"Is too"

"You're both children, now back to me and zayn. You think we can work?" liam asks, smooth as butter.

"Yeah, anyways you guys know we have practice today right?" He asks effectively changing the topic.



"Ok good, I'll see you guys then" he says, as the bell rings signaling the end of lunch period.

Where the fuck is harry? I hadn't seen him since biology, when he was randomly staring daggers at me. I thought he might try to talk to me during lunch. But no.

Am I offended? No. No I'm not.

I mean he fucked zayn, for how long?. Is he still fucking zayn? Was he happy with him?

These are all questions that need answers, and Niall is the one to ask. I don't want harry thinking I care where he puts his dick.

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