baby steps?

294 12 13

Louis POV

We walk back, to find harry and Zayn having a casual conversation.

They both turn to us, as soon as we walk in.

Niall goes back to where he was sitting, liam tries to follow him. But i pull him back, and shove him next to Zayn.

Zayn gives me a knowing smile, and I blush cause he caught me.

"Uuum popcorn?" I say looking at harry.


"So what did you and liam talk about?" He asks, soon as the popcorn is in the pot.

"Just that, I wanted whatever this is as much as you. That you're not forcing me or anything"

He nods, seeming to understand. 

"I'm glad you have a friend who looks out for you "

"Yeah me too, like I've been here a few weeks. But I feel like I've known them forever, you know?"

"Mmmh sure "


"Finally, " niall says, soon as he sees the bowl of popcorn.

"We might need more " i say, teasing him.

"What do you mean we? I thought this was all for me " he teases back.

I chuckle at that.

Then I realize, the popcorn is with Niall and harry's sitting on the opposite couch.  So I could either sit with harry, or eat some popcorn.

"Don't even think about it, come here" Harry says effectively making the decision for me. 

"But, I want popcorn" I whine.

"Niall, give him popcorn" Harry says.

"Nope" niall replies not bothering to look at us.

I fold my arms on my chest and just stand there looking at harry, "fiiine fine. I'll make you some popcorn" he says getting off the couch.

I immediately grin at that, and make my way to the kitchen without waiting for him.


"You're such a baby" he tells me.

"Don't act like you don't like it " I shoot back.

"You have no idea" he replies.

The tone of his voice, makes me a bit breathless.  "What do you mean?" I ask, quietly. 

He turns to look at me, "I don't think you're ready for that information yet, but you'll find out soon enough"

His tone leaves no room for arguments, so I just nod. And we make our way back to the others.


"Do you guys realize,  we've been here over an hour.  And we haven't chosen a movie yet " niall asks, even though he's half way through his popcorn.

"I seem to remember you guys having an argument about who was wrong between Steve and Tony.  So we could watch civil war " Harry suggests.

"Nope, we don't need another argument. Let's watch 'Me before you' it's one of my favorite films' I suggest.

Nobody objects to the idea.

"Well then, the TV in the other room is bigger and already set up to play movies online. So let's go there " Harry says, and we all wordlessly follow him.

As expected, Niall takes the love seat by himself.  Liam and zayn sit on one couch and me and harry sit on the other. This is more like a cinema room cause its big.  It has like 15 seats on the back, and 2 random coaches and 6 love seats by the screen. Like someone put them into the room so it would feel less like a cinema and more like a home.

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