one step forward, three steps back

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Louis POV

I think I've just had sex. This counts as having had sex right?. I mean I'm still a virgin cause it was oral, but fuck it was amazing.

I wrapped myself around harry like a koala bear. Mostly cause I'm too exhausted to move, but I also like having him this close to me.

Maybe this fuck buddies thing could work? I don't know maybe. He seems to be a very different person in bed than he is, in general.

"Louis, get off me... I need to go home" he says trying to pull away from me.

Louis? What happened to baby? I guess the gentle lover is gone. But I want to hold on to him a little bit longer.

"No, sleep here" I say snuggling closer to him.

"I don't think that's a good idea" he says with uncertainty.

"Please baby" I beg, taking a chance that he might still not be able to resist me.

"Don't call me that, now get off me." He says pulling away, with more conviction.

"Aaah fuck, fiiiine" I say, pulling myself off him completely and turning to hug myself. This is harry, what the fuck was I even thinking. I'm sooo fuckin stupid.

"Louis,..." he tries

"No, you said you wanted to leave. And don't you dare try to touch me." I say pulling the duvet closer to myself.

"Louis don't do this come on"

"Do what exactly?" I snap at him.

"Act like you didn't know this was just a hookup" he says, effectively ruining everything we just shared.

"Right, how could I forget. I'm sorry, Get the fuck out of my house harry!" I scream at him.

"You're going to wake up your mother" he whispers. Looking up at me, tieng his laces. Who knew a person could get dressed up this quickly.

"Get the fuck out harry!", he blinks at me. Clearly shocked by my outburst.

"Alright I'll go, see you at school tomorrow?"

"Don't you dare sit anywhere near me at lunch" I tell him, the anger draining out of me.

"Why not?" He asks, one hand on the door handle. But not bothering to open it.

"Cause I don't want you near me ever again" I tell him, I can feel my throat tightening. I refuse to cry in front of him.

But clearly he can see that I'm close to tears, and immediately he runs to my side. Reaching out to me, "baby...don't cry I'm sorry" he tries to touch my shoulder but I flinch. I can see a flash of pain in his eyes, at my reaction. But I don't care.

"I said don't touch me"

"I...I didn't mean to hurt you Louis. I told you, I just... why are you complicating things?" He runs his fingers through his hair, clearly frustrated.

"Leave me alone harry, I just want to sleep" I say, sounding as defeated as i feel.

"I'll stay"

I look up at him, I want him to stay. But I'm also mad at him. He just hurt my feelings for fucksakes.

"I'm angry at you" I tell him.

"I know darling, I know" he says starting to untie his shoelaces.

"Why are you staying?" I ask him, I don't want to upset him. But I also need to know.

" I don't know Louis, now fuckin shift. I'm still the little spoon" he says with no malice in his voice.

I chuckle, and wipe the tears that escaped my eyes. "Ok"

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