To be or not to be.

364 14 26

Louis POV

I get home, and fall face first on my bed. As always, school has been fuckin draining. I consider going by to Liam's but, I'm too tired to be having conversations.

*phone vibrates in my pocket*

Unknown number: what's the point of giving me your number if you won't text me back?.

Me: to get you off my back.

Unknown number: well then you can get on my back if that makes it better for you.

I chuckle, this boy truly has a one track mind. I decided to save his contacts as curly. Cause I'm quit fascinated by his curls.

Me: is sex all you ever think about?

Curly: where your concerned, yes.

I roll my eyes at the text, which makes me think of his eyes staring at me with so much lust in them. I shift a bit on my bed, ignoring how that affects me. He's not even here, he shouldn't affect me like this.

Me: it's good to know, I am nothing but a warm body to you.

I don't even know why I say that, it's not like I care if he likes me or not.

Curly: right well, you're not even a warm body are you? Because you still don't want to fuck.

Me: why do you want to do it so badly anyways.

Curly: because from the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew I had to have you.

Well I can't say he didn't have a similar effect on me, until he opened his mouth. Then I realized, he's a jerk.

Me: well that's nice of you. But I already have my eyes on someone else.

I bite my lip waiting for his reply, I don't have to wait long cause the text comes through almost immediately.

Curly: WHAT, WHO?! I thought you said you're not fucking Liam.

He's so easy to rattle, I don't bother asking myself why i enjoy getting him rattled to begin with.

Me: yes I did say that.

Curly: so then who?

Me: it's non of your business.

*he goes offline*

I put my phone on the bedside table and take off my clothes. After throwing them on the nearest chair, I get under the covers to take a nap. But before I can even close my eyes my phone starts ringing. I answer it, without checking the caller ID.

"What" I say clearly irritated.

I hear panting on the other end of the phone, "where are you".

"Harry?" I say sitting up and looking at the caller ID. I roll my eyes, ofcs its him.

"Yes, where do you live" he asks impatiently.

"Why, you want to kill me" I ask only half teasing.

He grunts in frustration, "Louis, no I do not want to murder you. I want to come over" he says with strained patience.

"Why" I ask...cause who the fuck just asks to come over someones home. When they barely even know them.

"Louis please" he says lowly.

He needs to stop with the begging honestly, I take a deep breath. "I'll text you my address"

"Ok" he replies, and ends the call.

I look at my phone puzzled, then I jump out of my room to check if my mom is home. She isn't.

Me: where are you?

Mom: I'll be home late, don't wait up. Order some takeouts if you're hungry.

Right, that takes care of that. I run to my room to tidy up a bit. Or rather I pick my shit from the floor, chair and any visible surface and throw it in the closet. I check my armpits, I smell fine. I pull on some grey sweatpants and a shirt and pick my phone to text harry.

Curly: I'm waiting

Curly: Louis

Curly: are you fucking kidding me

Curly: Louis are you there?

Me: I see patience isn't your strongest trait.

Curly: no it isn't.

I chuckle and send him the address. I don't want to over think this, whatever happens happens right. It's not even a big deal. I don't even fuckin like him. So its fiiiine. I tell myself, as I try to fix my hair without success. I sigh, and just then I hear the doorbell ringing. Well that didn't take long.

I walk down the stairs to open the door, harry is still wearing what he wore at school. Skinny jeans, black shirt and brown boots. He looks fuckin hot. I don't let my eyes linger on him, I don't want to be caught staring again. I step aside so he can walk inside and I turn around to walk up to my room.

He follows me, "so who is he?" He asks clearly out of breath.

I pause and look back at him, "why are you out of breath, didn't you drive here?" I ask, ignoring his question. Then i continue to walk up to my room.

"Don't try to change the subject, who he is?" He insists. As we walk into my room.

"Nobody,I was just joking", I say sitting on my bed and crossing my legs.

He stares at me for a minute, then looks at my room. He nods as if to say he believes me.

"Nice room" he says to break the silence.

"Thanks" I look at him. And he's still standing awkwardly near my door.

"Yeah" he awkwardly plays with his fingers.

I take a moment to look at his hands, they're beautiful. His fingers are long, but they look delicate and soft. He's wearing a ring on his middle finger, that has something engraved on it. He's hands are also big, which I guess is why it's so easy for him to just grab my arm.

He clears his throat, I look away from his hands and up at his face.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing" he says, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Do you want to stay?" I ask him.

"If you're ok with that" he answers shyly.

I laugh cause I've never seen him be shy about anything.

"Sure I mean, my mom won't be back for a few more hours. I could use the company" I reply still not looking directly at him.

Its weird, we seem to argue just fine. But when the heat or the argument and irritation is gone. We don't have much to say to each other, or maybe we have too much to say and no words to say it.

He slowly moves towards my bed, and sits at the edge of it. I say nothing and I keep looking at my hands, cause the temperature seems to have risen in the few seconds it took him to walk towards my bed.

Are We Enemies, Or Lovers?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora