flying or drowning

332 13 14


I've never actually written smut, cause this is my first fic. I apologize if this is cringy.  Hopefully I get better.


Louis POV

I wake up to a hand gently shaking my shoulder, "go away I'm tired" I say without bothering to open my eyes.

"But its 6:30"

"I don't care, I need more sleep" I say turning away.

"Louis c'mon wake up" I groan cause clearly this person won't let me sleep.

I push myself up to a sitting position, and rub sleep out of my eyes.

I turn to look at the person whose taken it apon themselves to wake me up, and it's none other than harry styles.

"Harry, I need sleep" I tell him.

"You said your nap will end at 6:30" he says not moving an inch.

"How did you even get into my room" I ask him, looking to see if there's someone behind him.

"Uuum your mom let me in, I said I was your friend from school" he says, cheeks being tainted by a slight blush.

"Right, ofcourse you did" I say, pushing myself back under my covers.

"What!, don't go back to sleep" he says moving closer to my bed. As if that will stop me from sleeping.

"I'll talk to you Tomorrow harry, go away" I say closing my eyes.

"How was football tryouts?"

"Started off shitty, cause I forgot my Jersey... cause of you. But then me and liam got into the team. So I guess all is well that ends well" I tell him, my eyes remaining shut.

"Right, ok... so since you don't want to talk. Can we cuddle?" He asks, uncertainly clear in his voice.

"Why would we do that?"

"I don't know"



"Yeah, com'ere" I say...pulling the duvet for him behind me, signaling for him to get in bed.

"Oh ok" he says excited.

I hear shuffling, that sound a lot like he's taking his shirt off. But I'm not certain, and I don't want to open my eyes. But then I hear the sound of a zipper being opened, and immediately my eyes fly open and I stare in shock as he pulls his skinny Jeans off.

"Harry, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask him, instinctively pulling the covers more securely around my body.

"I'm taking my clothes off what does it look like" he answers, his eyebrows almost touching each other.

"I can see that, but why?"

"Louis, do you expect me to sleep in skinny jeans?" He asks, raising himself to his full height after pulling his jeans off.

He, he's beautiful. He definitely has more tattoos on him. A butterfly, just above his tummy. Which surprisingly doesn't look as tacky as one would think. Its actually really fuckin hot, as surprising as that is.

He's got legs for days, and I don't know if I want to have them wrapped around me, or i want to run my lips all over them. Both probably both. I avoid looking at his dick print, that's visible in his underwear. He's really fit, not too fit, but just fit enough.

My eyes travel up his packs, to his one ..two.. three.. four?

Four nipples. Right, that's a new one for me. But ok.

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