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Dedicating this chapter to HarrylikesLouisbutt I know I've already said this, but thank you for voting and commenting. It really helps me know that atleast someone reads my story. And I feel encouraged to keep writing🦋💙


Louis's POV

The whole morning without harry felt empty, but I got through it. If only to learn how to be without him. Well I'm not really even with him, but just...sometimes it felt like I was.

Lunch time, i go sit at our usual table.

"Do you understand what lunch time is for?" Liam asks me, sitting down across from me.

I frown in confusion, "uum yes"

"Then where's your lunch?" He asks me.

"I don't remember the last time I bought myself lunch liam, even the lunch lady wouldn't recognize me." I tell him.


"I..." Well so he's supposed to buy me some, what's not clicking?

"Last I checked harry was buying you lunch" liam says, as if reading my mind.

"Well Harry's not here, so are you going to let me starve? Which that's fine I guess. If you don't care about me!" I tell him, giving him my best puppy eyes.

"Tomlinson, don't look at my boyfriend like that" zayn says, sitting down and handing liam his lunch.

I look between the two of them, Liam's blushing staring at his lap. And Zayn looks like the cat that ate the canary.

"BOYFRIEND!?" I scream, then I immediately slap my hand over my mouth, cause I didn't mean to scream that loudly.

So then I whisper shout, "Boyfriend!, and you didn't think to tell me?" I ask glaring at both of them.

"Hey don't look at me, I wanted to...but liam wanted to be the first one to tell you." Zayn says, raising his hands in defense.

So I focus all my wrath at Liam, "And what's your excuse?" I snap.

"Well I...I just, I didn't know how to tell you." He mumbles.

"Didn't know how to tell me? You didn't know how to tell me?, liam you're my best friend. We should be able to tell each other everything" soon as I say that last part, I feel zayn's eyes burning the side of my head.

"I mean, everything that we're comfortable with sharing" i say, redeeming my statement. "And I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't share that with me" I mumble, starting to get off the table.

Liam eyes snap to mine in that moment, "what no no no, it wasn't like that. It's just, this is all new to me. Having a best friend and a boyfriend. I just, I was afraid that maybe saying it outloud would be the thing that rids me of the illusion. I'm sorry Louis, I should have told you" he explains, now standing next to me.

"Yeah, you should have" I say, feeling the stress of the day crushing my shoulders.

"Why are you crying?" Liam asks, voice thick with concern.

I turn to see a few people are looking at us, so i pull his arm and drag him to the toilets.

"So..." I start

"So?" He asks.

"Me and harry are in a bdsm relationship, but we're not dating and Ed asked me out for ice cream and I said yes. Harry hasn't returned any of my texts or calls, and i miss him soo much it hurts. And I just don't know what to do" I say, spilling my guts out.

Liam just stares at me.

"Please say something liam " I plead.


"Yes" I squeak.

"I... you kept this from me and you had the nerve to be angry at me for not telling you about me and zayn? What the actual fuck louis" he shouts.

I take a step back from him, hitting my back against the locked door. "I...I'm so sorry liam...I just didn't know how to, and you hate harry so i didn't want to make it worse. I'm sorry if you don't want to be my friend anymore, I understand" I say, wrapping my arms around myself in shame.

"Louis" liam says gently coming towards me.

He reaches out to touch me and I flinch, I see the immediate hurt in his eyes and I feel guilt chocking me up.

But the way he talked to me, like I was nothing but a disappointment who could never live up to his expectations. Kind of hurt me.

"Louis, I'm sorry for shouting at you. And really you didn't tell me because you didn't know how I would react. And seeing as I just made you feel like shit. You were right to fear my reaction. I'm sorry, I will try to make amends with harry. If you promise that regardless of you guys being in a bdsm relationship, if he pushes you into things you're not comfortable with. You will call me, immediately"

"I promise"

"Good, now can I hug you?" He asks, uncertainly.

I immediately rush to him, wrapping my arms around him.

I feel relief, and I feel safe. Liam is my best friend, he is not my father and he is not stan. So I don't have to be anyone but myself with him.

"Thank you" I tell him, in between very embarrassing sobs that I plan on denying later.

"For what?" He asks, still holding me as tightly as I'm holding him.

"For being my best friend, for not judging me. And also for being willing to fix things with harry"

"I'm glad to be, and the harry thing. It's for you, but if he so much as hurts you. I'm breaking his jaw"

I chuckle at that.

"We need to go eat, we'll discuss the bdsm thing later " he says, still not letting go of me.


We walk back to the cafeteria. Liam goes to buy me lunch, and as I'm walking towards our table. I see that niall and Shawn have joined zayn at the table.

Zayn looks behind me and looks even more concerned than before when he sees that liam isn't with me.

"Where's liam?" He asks, even before I could sit down.

"Buying me lunch" I tell him.

He looks relieved, "now why is my boyfriend buying you lunch, can't you buy it yourself" he teases.

"You know me, damsel in distress" I tell him.

He chuckles, "so, everything ok with you guys?"

"Yes, it is"

Niall looks between me and Zayn in confusion.

"I'll tell you later" I say looking at niall.

"Ok" he replies.

"Hi Shawn" liam says, putting my lunch in front of me. And going to sit next to Zayn who grins at him.

"Thank you" I tell liam, immediately digging in. Crying makes me hungry.

I zone out the rest of the conversation, and focus on my food and avoiding any thoughts of harry.

Are We Enemies, Or Lovers?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang