roll the credits

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If I ever read this fic, I might rewrite the last two chapters. Just cause I had no love for this story when I wrote them. And I'm not very proud of them, but I'm proud to have written and finished a fic. Thank you for reading.


Louis POV

"Babe wake up"

I push my face into Harry's neck, "no"

"You have your first real game today, I don't think you want to miss it"

"I don't want to move, I like having you here like this"

"And I'll still be here, tomorrow and the day after that. So get up"

"Fiiine" I tell him , but i don't bother moving out of his arms.

"I'm doing this for you babe" Harry says, picking me up and carrying me towards the bathroom.

I keep my head on Harry's shoulder, "you going to wash me?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes please"

"Then, let's get you cleaned up"

Harry places me down, removing my clothes. I keep my body leaning against him, letting him do all the work.

Harry takes off his clothes, "need to set the water to the right temperature. Lean against the sink for a minute?"

"Mmmh ok"

After we shower, or rather Harry showers and cleans me up. We get dressed and ready for school together.

We find food for both of us that mom left in the kitchen. But she's no longer home, having left for work already.

After breakfast, we head to school together.


The fact that harry actually did everything for me this morning, is giving me butterflies in my tummy everytime I think about it.

I'm sure he would have fed me as well had I asked him. This bdsm thing, it has its pecks.

We haven't really explored it as much, or done anything sexual lately.

But I'm ready to go all the way with him, and I'll tell him after the game.

"You ready tommo?" Niall asks, sort of running in the same spot getting warmed up.

"Ready for?" I ask dumbly, wondering if I accidentally said my thoughts outloud.

He looks at me, then looks at the field..."Aaarh the game? Are you ready for the game" he asks, confused by my confusion.

"Oooh yeah, no I'm ready and excited" I tell him, too loudly.

Which makes him look at me like I'm weird, "so you and Shawn?" I panic trying to change the subject.

"What about us?" He asks, stopping in his tracks.

"Are you guys together or?"

"Uuum no, he hasn't really asked me out yet. But we hangout all the time, and we make-out .. but he hasn't asked" he mumbles.

"Why don't you ask him?"

Niall looks at his clicks, "I'm scared he's going to say no"

I look at niall, then look behind him where our team mates are getting warmed up as well.

I catch Shawn looking at us, "niall...the boy can't take his eyes off you. Even right now he's looking at us. I don't think he's going to say no" I tell him.

"You Sure?"


Liam walks towards us, separating from zayn whose making his way to harry at the stands.

"Payno, please don't tell me you where getting fucked in the restrooms. We have a game to play" I tease him.

Liam's eyes pop out, "I... I was not!.. no sex before the game...we were just making out... and I top" he says matter of factly.


"Shush, tell the whole school why don't you!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry"

I stare at Zayn, he looks back at me confused as to why I'm staring at him.

"Excuse me a moment" I run up to the stands, looking straight at zayn.

I reach him, after much difficulty.

"You do realize, the game starts in about 15 minutes right?" Zayn asks me when I reach him.

I'm out of breath, "y-you said you would have him screaming daddy...and now I find out, you're a fuckin bottom... just needed to let you know that know.. that he's the one making you cry yes daddy" I say, grinning like a maniac.

Zayn blushes like crazy, and harry is absolutely losing it besides him. Making people look at us, cause he's laughing so loudly.

"Shut up Louis, he is not... he's just not that experienced. So I thought, we thought it would be better if I bottomed first. Until he was ready" zayn whisper shouts at me, digging his elbow into Harry's ribs since he won't stop laughing.

"Oh, yeah that actually makes sense"

"Do you feel stupid running all the way here, when your game is about to start?" Zayn asks me.

I shrug, "nah, your face was totally worth it. Now excuse me, i gotta run around in tight shorts and give my boyfriend a boner" I whisper loud enough for harry to hear me.

"Louis!..." he shouts, but I'm already running away.

We win the game 3-2.


After the whistle is blown, signaling the end of the game. Students in the stands scream, celebrating our win.

I run to hug liam, at the goal post... and he spins me around.

"Thank you for letting two goals in payno" i tease him.

"Thank you for only scoring once" he teases back.

Niall runs towards us, joining the hug.

I see Shawn looking at us, like he's waiting for something.

"Ni, I think Shawn is waiting for you" I tell him, whilst we're all still hugging.

He removes himself from the hug, turning to look in the direction I'm looking at.

He bites his lip nervously, looking back at Shawn.

"ask him out" I tell him.

"Ask who out?" Liam asks.

"Shawn, Niall should ask Shawn out right?"

"If he wants to yes"

"That's not very convincing payno" i say rolling my eyes at him.

"Oh, Niall you should totally asks him out" liam says, with exaggerated flamboyance.

"What even is that?" I ask, laughing at him.

"I thought, you said..."

"I said convince him, I didn't say act like some stereotypical gay boy"

We're so focused on our conversation we don't see that Niall's already left to talk to Shawn.

I look at liam with fake disappointment, shaking my head at him.

"I didn't do anything!" He defends himself.

"Exactly!" I tell him,

taking him hand so we can walk to harry and Zayn who are waiting for us outside the field.

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