river flows

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Dedicating this chapter to LondonRome2022 thank you for encouraging me to keep writing even when I feel like I'm a shit writer🦋💙


Louis's POV

We're driving back to Niall's, because after the very eventful game of truth or dare. Everyone just wanted to rest.

"Shawn asked me if you and harry were dating. I told him no" niall says, pulling us out of our thoughts.

I turn to look at him, and he looks concerned as if he might have done something wrong.

"Uuum well, you're not wrong mate. We're not dating" I reassure him.

He let's out a breath of relief, "oh good...uum he also said that Ed might have a crush on you or something" he mumbles.

I glance back at him shocked, I didn't even know Ed swang that way. "Uuum well that's, sweet? I think I don't know" I say rumbling.

"Yeah and like, maybe...he just wondered if maybe you liked him back?" Niall pushes.

"Niall since when are you a match maker and I thought you said me and harry are what make sense" I snapped.

"Well seeing as all harry wants is to fuck you, I thought you might actually want someone who cares about you" he throws back at me.

I look at liam for help, but he just shrugs. I glare at him, "so what you agree with Niall?" I ask him.

"Ed seems like a good guy, and you know me and harry don't have the best relationship. I tolerate him for you, but otherwise I think he's a selfish prick" liam says, not bothering to hide his hate for harry.

I can't possibly tell them now about my relationship with harry. They clearly already think the worst of him, and that hurts me because they're my best friends and I need their support.

"Well, if Ed wants me he can bloody well ask me out himself can't he?" I snap at nobody in particular.

Nobody says anything, and i keep driving.

"Louis I'm just trying to look out for you" niall says, clearly hurt by my outburst.

"I know niall, I'm sorry. I just never thought of Ed that way ok? And I'll just, if he asks. I'll give it a chance" I tell him, feeling guilty.

"Really?" Niall asks, instantly back to his happy self.

I smile at him, "really "I tell him.

He pulls out his phone, and I don't bother thinking about the issue further than that.


Until Monday morning when we get to school and I see Shawn and Ed seemly waiting for us.

We get out of the car, and I follow liam as niall walks towards Shawn.

"Louis, wait up "

I turn around to see Ed walking towards me, I bite my lip nervously. I didn't think this would be happening already, I didn't even bother to tell harry about it.


Harry's going to kill me.

Or maybe not.

I mean, we're not in a relationship and I don't owe him anything.

I'm so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize Ed was already standing in front of me. Looking at me like he's expecting me to reply to something he said, which I obviously didn't hear.

"I'm sorry, i didn't catch that" I smile at him apologetically.

"Oh, I just said hey" he smiles sheepishly.

"Oh, hi " I say, and start rocking back and forth on the heels of my feet.

"I'm sorry this is awkward, I just... maybe you would like to eat lunch with me and we could talk some more?" he asks, looking hopeful.

It's almost endearing with the red hair and freckles, really I don't want to hurt his feelings but...

"I'm sorry, i normally just eat lunch with liam and the others. Its kind of a tradition now" I tell him, trying to sound as apologetic as possible.

His hopeful demeanor immediately defletes, "oh, well then maybe we can just hangout after school?" he asks, pleading eyes staring at me.

I mean, nobody's ever been desperate to spend time with me. For just my company, this feels good for a change.

"Well, I normally hangout with the boys really. But I'm sure they'd understand " I tell him.

He immediately smiles at me, "Yeah?... thank you...you won't regret this I promise. Maybe we could go out for ice cream or something. Like whatever you like, if you don't like ice cream we can do something else. But I mean who doesn't like ice cream... which it's totally fine if you don't like ice cream you know, some people are lactose intolerant, so I get that...oh God I'm rumbling I'm sorry" he finishes, cringing at himself.

I chuckle, "Ice cream sounds great" I tell him.

"Yeah, ok good...that's ..."

Before he can finish I hear someone talking behind me.

"Louis, come here" I turn to see Harry next to his car, looking less than pleased.

I turn to look at a confused Ed,"Uuum.. Ed I'll see you after school then?"

"Absolutely, thank you again" He says and runs inside.

I walk towards harry, "What's that about?" He asks even before I reach him.

I look down at my feet, then take a deep breath. It's fine,

"uuum Ed was just asking me to have ice cream with him after school" I mumble.

"What are you 11?"

"No, but I'd quite like to be taken out for ice cream instead of being used for my body for a change. Excuse me, I don't want to be late for class" I snap at him.

He stares at me, looking thoughtfully as if contemplating something. Anger clear in his eyes, but then he takes a deep breath and suddenly he looks emotionless.

"Well, we're not together. So you can do whatever you want. Have fun on your ice cream date" he says icely, giving me a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

I bit my lip, to keep myself from crying because a part of me wanted him to stop me. To tell me he doesn't want me going out with anybody else but him.

But I guess not,

"Exactly, so I'll just head on to class now. We're late already" I tell him.

"You go ahead, I'm getting out of here" he says, and without waiting for a reply hops into his car and drives away.

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