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Harry's POV

Me: you up?

Zayn: no.

Me: clearly you are cause you're             replying.

Zayn: whatever, we're not fucking.

Me: how did you know that's what I wanted?

Zayn: it's 22:28, you just sent me an "you up" text.  And I know that means you want some angry sex, and we're not doing that.

Me: fuck, what are we doing then?

Zayn: I don't know, maybe tell me what's wrong?

Me: I don't want to talk about.

Zayn: ok.

Me: it's about Louis

Zayn: I figured. 

Me: how?

Zayn: he's your new obsession. 

Me: I'm not obsessed with him, and I don't have obsessions.

Zayn: yes you are, and yes you do.

Me: whatever, he's choosing his friends over me. And I can't stand it.

Zayn: you're choose him over me, yet I'm not saying anything. 

Me: Zayn you want to fuck liam so bad, you spot a semi everytime you're near him. Don't fuckin tell me about choosing.

Zayn: ok that's fair. 

Me: now back to my problem, why would he choose niall and liam over me. I mean It's me Zayn.

Zayn: well firstly, Liam's very hot. And Niall is a great person. And you're like.. you're you.

Me: what's that supposed to mean?

Zayn: it just means that, you could be a little nicer to the lad.

Me: well you're not nice to him!

Zayn: I'm also not trying to fuck him.

Me: whatever you're not helping.

Zayn: do you feel better though?

Me: i will neither deny or confirm that

Zayn: Good night harry

Me: Goodnight Zee.

I look up from my phone, and Louis clearly didn't follow me.

Maybe running out wasn't the best idea, but I can't sit around and watch his attention be held by someone who isn't me.

Louis is mine, I just know that.

I don't know how to make him see that, or make him understand I want to be the only person who captures his attention.

And seeing him with liam and Niall, he seems so taken by them. He's known them for like two weeks, and already they have rooms in his house. What the fuck is that about?

I'm struggling to share a person who isn't even mine. I might feel as though he's mine, but we don't have any sort of relationship.

And I don't know how to have a relationship or if I even want to have a relationship.

Like why can't I have Louis in my bed without all the unnecessary emotions and stuff.

I should probably drive home, just sitting in my car outside is embarrassing.

Or maybe I could go back inside, but I would only look like an idiot.

So I drive back home.


I drive into the parking lot and I don't see Louis's car. I guess he's not at school yet, meaning Niall and liam slept over.

I make my way to my locker, take out my biology textbook and walk to class.

The class starts and Louis still isn't here, maybe he's not coming.

I think I should text him and check up on him, but no.

Five minutes into the class,  him and liam bust through the door, Niall following close behind them.

Everyone turns to look at them, the teacher seems irritated by the disturbance but let's them join the class.

I keep my head down when they walk past me, if I'm going to ignore Louis.  I can't risk looking into his eyes.

The class continues without any further disturbances. I keep my head down, for all of my morning classes.  Cause I really just want to get this school day over with and go home.


Lunch time, normally I would be searching for Louis but not today.

I get my food, and search for Zayn. I find him in our usually table, that we sat in before I went to sit with Louis.

As I make my way to him, I see that niall is already talking  to him.

I consider turning around and just leaving the cafeteria.  But Niall might have been closer to Zayn than me, but I still like him. So I just push down the anger and go to them.

"Hello lads" I greet them casually taking a sit across from them.

"Hi harry " Zayn says, giving me a knowing look. Which fuck him honestly.

"Hello harry" Niall says, not bothering to look at me.

Great, he's annoyed with me.

"Are you annoyed with me niall?"


Well that was very straight forward.

"Why, If you don't mind me asking?"

"Let's see, at the dinner you basically said I'm not your friend. You only stuck around me cause I'm friends with zayn.  And then you tried to fuck louis with me and liam in the same room" he says, staring  daggers at me nose flaring with anger.

"Riiight, well I didn't know zayn was my friend until a few days ago.  And all I knew is that you're zayn's friend.  And you just happen to be around me, because you're friends with zayn. I never assumed you were my friend too" I tell him, trying to sound as genuine as possible.

Cause, I am being honest.

He looks at me, as if he doesn't understand what I'm talking about.

"I've never had any friends Niall " I try again.

And immediately I see pity in his eyes.

"Don't fuckin pity me Horan, I've went through life just fine without any friends.  I was just explaining why I said what I said at dinner.  Not that I'm asking for pity " I snap at him.

He looks at me, and I think I'm gonna have to punch him in the face if he keeps staring at me.

"Ok harry, would you like to be my friend?" He asks, serious as ever. 

The seriousness in his voice, has me almost laughing.  But then I look at zayn, and he doesn't seem amused.

Alright,  I clear my throat. "Yes niall, I would love to be your friend. But I can't promise that I'll be a good one" I say, almost whispering the last part.

"I know,  you're a fuckin cunt " he says, grinning at me.

I want to be mad, but the lad is grinning and I can't help but smile back at him. "Watch yourself Horan, we just became friends like 2 seconds ago. Don't ruin it " I tease him.

"I would never, imagine risking my delicate friendship with his royal highness prince Harry "

"Fuck off Niall" I say, smiling at him. 

Well look at that, my day just got better.

Niall sits with me and Zayn throughout lunch hour. I try to not search for Louis, but I'm only human. 

He's eating with liam. I can only assume liam bought him the food he's eating. Another habit of theirs I don't fuckin understand, but I can't do anything about it yet.

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