escape you

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Louis POV

*bell rings signaling the end of the school day*

I pull myself out of my chair, and keep my head down. I honestly just want to fall face first into my bed. But liam and I agreed to meet up, and go to his house after school. So I guess falling face first into my bed will have to be rescheduled.

I walk out of class, I feel a hand pulling my arm. Not again, I roll my eyes instinctively as I turn to look at harry. "Don't roll your eyes at me" he says. So he's still in a mood I see. I pull my arm off his hands.

"What do you want harry?" I ask as I walk out the building, without looking back at him because I know he's following me.

"Are you fucking him" he asks. I halt and turn to look at him.

"Fuckin who exactly?" I ask putting a hand on my hip.

"You know who, don't act stupid" he says angrily.

"No actually I don't know, and even if I were fucking him. It wouldn't be any of your business" I say turning around, cause I'm sick of his attitude.

He holds my arm to stop me from walking, and pulls me to him so that my body is pressed against his. "Louis" he whispers, his warm breath moving from my ear to the back of my neck. I feel tingling down my spine, and I feel myself shiver a little bit.

I take a deep breath and turn in his arms, I have to strain my neck to look at him when we're standing this close to each other. "I..."

But before I can say anything liam shouts, " there you are, I've been waiting for you. What took you so long"

I swiftly get out of harry's arms, and say. "Uum liam and I, liam and I made plans so, I need to go" I stutter looking at his boots instead of his face. Cause I already know he probably looks annoyed right now.

"Sorry" I say when I reach liam.

"What was that about" he asks, his head pointing to the directing me and harry where standing in less than a minute ago.

"Honestly, I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to. I don't know what the fuck is up with him" I say opening the car and letting myself in.

"Right well, should I just ride with you then" he asks, standing outside my car.

"Yeah, unless you drove here" I answer looking up at him.

"No, I didn't drive here" he answers simply.

"Right well,.." I don't get to finish my sentence cause he's already letting himself into the passenger seat.

"Make yourself at home" I say my voice thick with sarcasm.

"Thank you" he answers completely ignoring me.

I roll my eyes at him, "well which direction?" I ask...

"Don't roll your eyes at me" he says trying to mimick harry's slow angry growl.

I can't help but chuckle at that. "Ha ha, very funny. Give me directions Payno" I say no traces of humor in my voice.

He clears his throat, "right well..." he starts giving me directions and five minutes later we're pulling into his house. It's a beautiful home, not too fancy, not too shabby. Kind of exactly like liam. I chuckle under my breath at that.

"What so funny?" He asks, clearly offended.

I turn to him, and I realize. He probably thinks I'm laughing at his home, which i am. But not like that. "I uuum, i was just thinking that. Well this house reminds me of you"

He looks at me confused, "ok and so what?"

"Well the comparison between a house and a person was funny to me" I try to explain. "Oh get off it Payno" I say cause he's clearly pouting now.

"Right well, wanna go inside the house that looks like me" he says, dead serious.

I start laughing again, cause well maybe he can't hear it. But the unexpected sexual innuendo in that statement, is funny.

"What?" He asks exasperated

I look at him and I wonder if I should tell him this, I mean I've barely known the boy a week. Should I disclose my sexuality to him this soon. But I figure it's best to get it out the way now. Than build a friendship and have to lose it later on, cause he can't accept me for who I am.

"Well I say.." smiling sweetly at him.
"I am gay"

Once again he quirks his eyebrow in that way that say, "go on"

I blink at him, "well when you said, would I like to go inside, the house that looks like you, I sort of took it as a sexual joke" I finish, looking at my feet.

"I don't know that I would be the bottom between us, if I'm being honest" he says, and starts walking to the door.

I follow behind him confused, "well firstly that's fuckin offensive mate. Why do you assume I'm a bottom?, and more importantly, you're gay?"

He turns to look me up and down as if thinking his answer over. "Well your ass is quite literally sinful so, that answers that" he says making me blush.

"And, I don't know. I've never been with a boy before. But I am open to the possibility" he finishes opening the door.

I silently follow him, because wow. I kind of don't know what to say. I mean I'm glad he's not a homophobe. But I didn't expect that he might possibly be Queer.

"You want to study here" he signals to the living room. "Or upstairs" he says looking up.

"Uuum upstairs is fine" I reply.

He walks up the stairs to his room. It's a fairly nice room, king size bed. A study desk, a TV on the wall. And what I assume is a walk in closet.

He points to the coach on the other side of the room, "make yourself at home" he says with a smirk.

I laugh, but completely ignore him and fall face first on his bed.

"Or do that" he says smile clear in his voice.

"I think I will, thank you" I say my voice muffled by the bed.

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