Surfaced Memories and Forgiveness

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(I have been dreaming of this chapter for so long now and I couldn't wait to write this.

This chapter will finally give me the chance to do what I've been putting off for so long...

Rejoice all 'ye readers, for here be The Midoriya Family Reunion!

It is finally time for Inko to talk to Izuku! I know you've been anxious about this, and I have been too, but I finally have the chance in the storyline to reunite the human mother and her human son. Naturally, I am going to bring back Izuku's memories, along with the rest of his memories of his old life with the surface and humans.

Okay, now let's have some fun everyone!)



When he opened the door he was surprised to see a small green-haired woman standing at his doorstep. She was about the size of Recovery Girl but looked to be in her early 30s.






(Izuku POV)

"So... you're my human mom. Bakugou must have told you, I assume?" I asked, letting the small woman inside. 'Why do I feel so angry? All the things I've been told of her were good things, so it's not like she abandoned or hated me. It's probably Bakugou's fault, trying to make me guilty for not talking to her. Because I'm supposed to know where she even is?' I let out a sigh which seemed to frighten her for some reason. "Don't be upset, I'm not mad at you, nowhere close actually. I'm just mad at Bakugou for making me feel guilty about 'abandoning' you. If that's what you think, then you can forget about it. I didn't choose to go to Mt. Ebott, though I don't regret it," I explained.

"W-what do you mean 'you didn't choose to'? Did someone try to kill you? What happened that day, baby? Please tell me-" I raised a hand, stopping her from continuing. "First of all, please don't call me that yet. I'm not ready for the sudden development," she nodded solemnly. "Second of all, yes I was chased up the mountain. I remember their name being, 'Kachan', and for some strange reason, Bakugou insists on calling himself that, even though he's just some random bully. If I remember correctly, 'Kachan' was the name of my 'childhood friend' from the surface, so Bakugou and Kachan are two different people," I explained.

She looked horrified and disgusted, presumably at him. I couldn't blame her, someone she likely trusted tried to kill her son. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone like that, and I wish you didn't have to suffer for this long. And I'm sorry that I can't recall my life with you, and even more that you were fooled into believing that I hated you," I told her. She tackled me in a hug and cried into my shoulder. "Don't be sorry, Izuku. It was my fault for not noticing sooner. I should've seen the signs and stopped this before it was too late."

She cried for a few minutes before mom came to check on me. When she saw the petite woman, she was confused but she understood after I gave her a short explanation. "Thank you for coming, Mrs. Midoriya. We heard a great deal about you and your kindness to my child. How about we talk in the dining room, I'll make us some drinks," she offered. "Thank you, I have some Katsudon if you want. I thought Izuku would at least remember his favorite food. I used to cook it for him all the time when he was little because he loved it so much," the small woman said. "And please, call me Inko."

While she and mom were talking about the younger me, I was attempting to escape the conversation by eating the Katsudon. It was amazing, and I now remembered why I loved it. The first time she made it for me was when dad came home from a long trip one day and she made it as a celebration for his return. When I said it was my favorite, my father laughed and she just smiled. "Like father, like son," she said. Apparently, I had said it too, seeing as the room was now quiet and both of my mothers were staring at me.

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