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(Greetings, dear readers. I hath returned from my two-week journey to visit my family who lives out of state.

I had fun, but now it's time to get things done.

That being said, I've been brewing some plans for this and future chapters. The ship vote is finally closed and the Izuku ships landed in a stalemate. So the ships for Izuku were tied between Itsuka and Shinsou. And because I can only see Izuku and Itsuka as good friends and business partners, I'm going with Shinsou who, at this point in the story, is already close enough to Izuku to be considered a crush. And because Izuku now has time to focus on himself, he'll have time to focus on being the child he is... I'm also getting him some therapy.

So yeah! Izuku is finally moving on. And I'm gonna make a comic about it later and put it on my Tumblr. My ask box is still open if you want to talk to the characters and ask questions.

And with that, let's begin!)


(Izuku POV)

Ever since I became president, things have become a lot more manageable. It took a while to set all the basic legal rights in place to set up a republic. I based it on the Founding Fathers of America and altered it based on Japan's current Justice System. I had to change a few things to form the idea of freedom further and set the balance right. Magic laws are similar to quirk laws but with a few exceptions here and there. Self-defense, defense of others, and licensed quirk use in public were the current legal rights to copy and paste, but I had to make sure that the laws themselves weren't too restricting. Like, what if there was someone with a shield quirk who was shielding everyone from a bombing? Why are they getting punished for defending innocent people when their only crime is unauthorized quirk usage? Or what about healing quirks? What about teleportation quirks? Why punish them if they were healing the wounded from an attack and/or evacuating the people from it?

They were just helping, and there is nothing wrong with saving someone's life if you have the ability to do so.

I had to think of situations like that when setting up a well-balanced list of rules and loopholes. Hence, magic use is only punished when/if it is being used with the intent to harm or endanger another person(s). However, depending on the person harmed and the reason why, they can reduce or even escape punishment. The use of unlicensed magic for training or leisurely purposes is permitted only at home or in a designated environment, just like quirks. But as for in public, there are only certain people who can use their magic anywhere, like Grillby. Grillby is made of fire, so he can't exactly turn it off due to being an elemental. Additionally, he's a bartender with a cooking license who uses his magic to make delicious food that everyone loves. That being said, certain monsters with careers directly related to that monster's magic will be automatically allowed to use it and can easily be licensed if need be.

Basically the same laws as with quirks and weapons, but slightly less suffocating.

Classes weren't as difficult now that I didn't have my job to distract me. Oh, and I've been able to spend time with Shinsou a lot more. Sure, the others come over to study and hang out once in a while, but Shoto and Sinsou are the only ones to come over every other day. I'm guessing Shinsou got jealous that Shoto hung out more now that he was training with me, and decided to take me on small outings. Shoto's fire control has improved since he has my mom and me to guide him. He can control how much fire he uses and what part of his body it comes out of. He can reach higher temperatures without hurting his body now, which is cool. He also gets hand-to-hand lessons from me and Papyrus. Undyne is using this as a chance to let Papyrus show how good he is at training others. She said that if he shows good results, he'll get promoted! So there's that to look forward to as well.

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