chapter 36

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"you really think that my past could break me?"

"No one ever escape Henry's hallucinations, how did you-"

"It's simple"

Before that I gave him a punch which sent him flying but manage to float before he can hit the bats.

"Hallucinations can only break someone who still had a soul"

I then appeared Infront of him as I kick him to the side.

"And I don't have a soul anymore"

I was about to give him another kick when he manage to stop me by using his telekinesis again.

"It's true you don't have a soul but you do have a heart"

He then grin at me as he slowly laugh.

"I only need to crash your heart by using my powers"

I didn't show any emotions which got him confused and angry at the same time.

"Acting tough ey? Let's see if you can still act like that when I crash your-"

"My heart?"

I whisper behind him that he immediately turn around but was to late when I grab him by the neck.

"Ho- who is the one I'm-"

"If your wondering, it's my clone"

"Clone? Only Harold can have that power-"

His eyes widen when he realize that I have took Harold's power when I killed him.

"The other Dracula's will still finish you even when I'm dead"

"Let's see about that"

I immediately bite his neck and insert something inside him as I drop him on the ground.

He slowly trembled as his body slowly began to burn as he screamed in pain. Suddenly the dark smoke came out from him as it circle around me Before it slowly went inside me.

I look back at the roasted Harold as he no longer show any life on him as I made my bats tornado disappeared.


My eyes glow as I look at where Henry had go.



the girls hissed at Henry as they tried to guard Bela because Henry wants her.

"Come now ladies, don't be rude to your sister's future husband"

Bela felt disgusted as Henry just smirk at her.

"I don't want to hurt your sisters but if you don't give me Bela"

He suddenly grin as he made a creepy face.

"I might have to kill you and take bela"

The girls felt fear but manage to fight it as the two still protect Bela.

"I think it's a good idea if I kill you two and leave you here, I can show it as I gift to y/n but a shame she's trap forever"


"Ah you see Bela my dear, I have trap her on her worst nightmare, when she finally got broken again then she no longer will bother or kill another one of us"

"That's why the bats suddenly disappeared"

Henry was about to charge at the two when he felt something.


He felt another of his brother had fallen as he just stood there.

"I guess I need to take you quickly"

Henry said as he appeared behind them and took Bela as he vanish into bats and flew away.


Daniela vanish into flies and Cassandra was about to follow them when she felt the pain on her injured stomach.

Daniela notice it as she look back at Cassandra and look at bela.


Cassandra yelled as Daniela greeted her teeth and went after Bela.

"Your youngest sister is stubborn"

"If you dare do anything to hurt he-"

"What? Your gonna kill me?"

Henry Chuckled as he look back at bela.

"My dear I am stronger than you, stronger than your previous girlfriend there's no one stoppi-"

He then gasp as he immediately touch his neck when he felt he was being choked.

Bela suddenly fall as someone manage to catch her. Her eyes suddenly burst into tears when she saw y/n is alright.

Daniela then stop in the middle as she smiled and was about to cry when she realized Cassandra who was injured.

"I'm gonna go back with Cassandra"

Daniela said as she went back while I look back at bela.

"Go follow your sister"

Bela nod as she flew away and followed Daniela as I look back at Henry who was gasping for air.

I then use my telekinesis to throw him down on the ground.

He hit the ground hard as he groan in pain while I land and the bats immediately come out from me as it started making bats tornado.

"Time to wipe off the last little pig"

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