Chalter 11: Hey you

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Lucy's POV:

I'd gotten home safely, but my absence hadn't gone unnoticed by Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon.

They were really angry, especially when they saw my elbow. Aunt Petunia fainted, Uncle Vernon and Dudley screamed.

They told me to clean it up myself, even when I said I couldn't cure this kind of wound.

I had to try, so I did, but I soon found this was way too big a wound for me or any unprofessional healer to cure by myself.

The next day, I found I had a bad fever. The wound was infected, as expected. Vanessa tried to call home, but when Aunt Petunia found it first, she left it unanswered.

Aunt Petunia was beyond herself with rage and made me swear not to tell anyone a thing. As if I would. Or could right now.

Vanessa came by to visit after school, to see if I was alright.

"I'm fine, just a slight fever," I said, hiding my elbow and try to lean against the wall non-chalantly, to hide the fact that I needed support to stand.

This really wasn't good.

It didn't help that I still had to do chores, but couldn't really do them. Why couldn't I use my magic to help myself heal? Why couldn't I go to the Weasleys for help?

The Weasleys had sent a letter, but Uncle Vernon had taken it from me and forbidden me to send a letter.

I had done so anyway, when Hedwig came to us and I sent Harry a letter back. I asked Hedwig to bring a letter to the Weasleys as well, as Harry and I had soon decided Hedwig was my owl too.

The letter to the Weasleys said I couldn't answer, but that I really liked them and was really happy to receive the letter.

Two days after the wolf-incident, my fever only got worse and I couldn't even walk to the kitchen without having pause halfway anymore. I had to do something.

Hedwig came home with a letter from Harry, saying he was sorry he didn't write as much and he told me stories about Hogwarts. Finally, he asked how I was. He was worried.

I didn't want to worry him, but I really needed help. So I wrote back a letter saying something had happened with a dog, but that I'd fixed it and that I felt way better now. And to make sure he wouldn't completely stress out, I told him about Vanessa.

But beside that letter, I gave Hedwig one more letter, adressed to Hagrid, asking him to send help, without telling Harry. I wrote to send a teacher, not a healer, saying it was because I needed answers. I asked if they could dress the Muggle way.

Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would freak out if a healer came for me, even more than if a teacher came (though they'd still freak out).

"Don't show Harry the other letter Hedwig," I told her, before I let her go back.

Two days went by and my condition worsened and worsened. This wound obviously wasn't a normal one.

The bell rang and I went to open it, because Aunt Petunia was out. There were Mrs. Weasley and a strict-looking woman I didn't know.

When they saw me, their jaws dropped and they got worried right away.

"There was a wolf..." I managed. "Don't tell Harry, please!"

But then, I passed out.


Minerva's POV:

I was just working in my office, doing paper work, when Hagrid walked in.

"Hagrid, is there something you need?"

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