Chapter 43- Kit Should Expect Repercussions

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Kits POV

A tear of guilt from my eye crawled down my cheek at my failure as a mother to ensure my daughters safety but at the same I also felt a white hot anger ignite my veins boiling my blood at this large brute holding my innocent sleepy daughter. I could feel my wolf rising to the surface and my eyes glowing bright violet levelling him with a murderous glare. My wolf was fighting to be freed against the silver cuffs injecting me with silver nitrate and vervain preventing me from freeing myself or ripping him to shreds, as I screamed to him

"Give her to me NOW" I roared in raw anger at the audacity this thug in front of me had to even touch my daughter. He went white with fear but looked to Marta and her bitch of a granddaughter to see if they were going to adhere to my request.

"You need to calm down Cateleya" she calmly stated using my full name as if scolding me, as If it was me creating all this unnecessary drama making me seethe further.

"Do not fucking tell me to calm down you treacherous bitch, you have my daughter held hostage to meet your own impossible ends that you know I cannot do". I screamed in rage.

Marta simply pressed her finger on the button on a pad and a high intense electric shock blasted me from my handcuffs and setting alive all the nerves in an unpleasant painful fire I could feel throughout my body causing untold agony. My body convulsed for a few seconds until it stopped leaving a few shocks still causing my body to twitch from the after shocks. I slumped in the chair with my wolf retreating into the background of my mind.

"Not so tough now are you...mutt, You know, I actually told Grandma to rig the cuffs with a 50,000 wattage to fry your ungrateful ass but she said 25,000 volts would be enough." Keira slyly said in a disappointed way.

"F-f-f-uuu-c-ck y-y-ooouuu" I stuttered out while still twitching.

"Sorry, missed that over your bodies twitching" Keira said laughing snidely.

"Stop it now, both of you. I have had enough of your childish bickering, it's going to solve nothing and get us nowhere!" She stressed to both of us and once she realised we both had stopped she continued in a calmer way saying "Now Kit I went to a lot of effort to bring your daughter here to sway your mind so I want an answer or your daughter pays the price for your indecision. I do not want to hurt her believe me, I do not and nor have I ever hurt a child but this is the greater good and one life is not enough over the saviour of the many." She finished seeming genuinely sad it had come to this.

"Save your fake sadness and give me my fucking daughter. I want to see for myself she is healthy and well. So wake her up and put her in my arms." I demanded coldly and got off the chair, sat on the floor to bring my hands under my butt and out the front so they weren't behind my back anymore and sat back on the chair waiting expectantly.

Marta sighed at my actions and nodded for the brute of a man to hand my daughter over to me. She waved her hands in the air whispering some kind of magic and sapphire started to stir. She was then placed in my arms at last and I stroked her hair and kissed her cheeks as she slowly awoke until she was blinking up at me. I looked at her and straight away I knew something wasn't right. She looked at me weirdly and I took a deep smell of her hair in and smelt blueberry's and not the usually sweet raspberry smell I'm used too. The blueberry smell was so familiar though, like I'd smelt it many times before and I was wracking my brains as to where I'd smelt it and just as I was about about to question it, I heard a small voice in my head say

"Don't drop me, and keep pretending I'm Sapphire" a very familiar voice said.

"Evie"? I questioned back in my head.

"Yes Kit, I knew you'd know I wasn't Sapphire. Marta, caught me, Sky and Saph at the cabin and threatened to blow us up if I didn't hand over Sapphire so using magic I switched places, she was me and I was her. She did a great acting job pretending to be me when she handed me over, you should be proud, she'd mak.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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