Chapter 41 - Change of Game Plan

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Adrianna's POV

I left my lovers room with a Cheshire cat grin on my face that I just couldn't seem to wipe off my face. We had a very active night and early afternoon, I swear every time we made love it was like the first time, so exciting and passionate. She truly was my mate and I was so blessed and so thankful I had her in my life. I couldn't fathom not having her, or Sapphire or even our unborn children in my life. That was when my smile fell when I realise it was a very real reality that I could lose all that. William who was walking beside me had felt my previous happiness slowly dissipate into deep heartache when I realised what Kits future could be.

"Adrianna, Kit is the most skilled fighter we have ever seen. She would have easily destroyed that last round had that succubus bitch Serena not turned on her. Do you remember how long it took our father to teach us how to not fall for Succubus's powers? It naturally only took you 3 months because you are the strongest and smartest of us. It took me and Matty about 6 months and Edward 8 months. It took Kit a week and two tries to be able to overcome it with the help of your voice in her head. You're the love of her life and she will survive for you Adrianna so stop stressing." He said comforting me

We arrived at the town car to take us back home, we were going to pick up Sapphire from School on the way back and then I had so much work to do and look over the documents to which the Russian King and Queen had signed to make sure there were no loop holes where he could sneakily still try to hurt Kit. I took Will's comforting words into consideration and although they slightly calmed me there was still one huge big elephant I hadn't addressed yet and that was this next round. I was so very worried about this next round because it was largely unlikely Kit would have been paired with one her warriors where she would have had to kill them in the previous rounds and as far her luck had proven to be in her favour.... However that luck was now more than likely about to run out. In this next round she will probably have to face one of her own warriors and kill them or risk being killed herself. If she doesn't kill her warrior they will both be killed which the Russian King would gladly rejoice about.

God I completely loathed that man, he will never be a true Royal so why he throws his weight about like he is something on my level is ridiculous and pathetic. He will never have the level of power and respect from the other royals that I have.

"What's up Adrianna"

My other brother Matty asked when he got into the car. The town car rumbled to life and rolled away smoothly. Once we daprted I looked into both brothers faces and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Oh Adrianna, she will be fine" William said softly and wiped my tear away with his thumb and hugged me tightly. I shook my head and pulled back and said

"You think I am worried about her skills, I am not worried by that Will. Your right, she is the most exceptional fighter that the world has ever seen. I know she will rise to the occasion and probably win which is great.... But in this next fight she will probably have to kill one of her warriors to get to the last round and who knows what the King has in store in that round. Do you honestly think Kit will kill Marcus, Hannibal, Amber or god forbid her fucking potential mate Jet. Huh, do you think she will" I screamed out in anger and frustration but above all that a deep gut-wrenching sadness.

Will and Matty both looked down realising I was right but neither wanting to admit I was right. They both didn't want to be the person to upset me further by agreeing but neither did they want to lie to my face giving me false hope.

"Yeah that's what I thought" I replied to their deafening silence bitterly.

"Adrianna your right, Kit won't kill her warriors. Remember her caring and loyal nature is part of why you love her but remember they love her too. If she ends up facing Marcus, you know he is so loyal to her he will kill himself so Kit doesn't have to bear that cross on her shoulders. So don't worry there and I spoke to Hannibal who said he would go after the Russian King to kill him, killing any vampire trying to get in his way until he was put down and when Amber heard that she wanted to do the same thing. When I begged him not to, he told me to relax and eat a banana. He was going to do it so Kit won't have to Kill him or Amber either so 3 out of 4 of her warriors are covered." He said slightly making me feel better until I remembered he left out one person.

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