Chapter 2 - Cataleya Carter Loki

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"CATALEYA CARSON LOKI" my father boomed in his Alpha tone when hearing of his youngest and only daughters antics this time. Steven looked at me in guilt because he had told my father about me meeting a vampire. I know Steven didn't wanna tell my father but he felt he had too because he knew if anyone could get through to me it would be my dad. He was just worried about me and although it annoyed me, it also made me love him all the more.

"How many times have a told you my little peanut, don't go near the lines edged around this forest. It's for your own protection, that vampire could've easily snatched you and flitted away to God knows where and drain you? You would be dead. I hate to be so harsh but this is the reality we live in and you HAVE to be smart and listen to what we say..... It's for your own good peanut." My father exasperatedly said using the nickname I had had since a baby because my dad said my head was like a little peanut and the nickname just stuck.

"I'm sorry daddy.... I just wanted to be the best at hide and go seek and and and I smelt a really really good scent so I followed it but I promise I never went over the line AND I turned off my scent like you taught me." I said in a small voice trying to explain my actions.

"Oh pea, I know you tried to be smart but please promise me, you will never EVER go within at least 30 miles within the territory line. As punishment for dis-obeying your mother and I, you are grounded to your room for a week. No playing with your cousins or friends, no fighting practise with Steven and no leaving your room unless it's for dinner or school." He said sternly.

"Father, that's a little bit harsh. Kit has learnt her lesson haven't you kiddo?" My brother spoke pleadingly to my father.

"I'm sorry daddy, please can I still practise fighting with Stevie. I promise I won't ever go near the line again." I whined to my dad with my puppy dog eyes. I pouted for extra points and I could instantly see his eyes, so like my own, wavering. I knew he was a sucker for my puppy dog eyes.

"Urrghh, why am I such a soft touch. Fine, you can continue fighting with your brother but the rest still applies." He said annoyed at himself.

I fist pumped the air and ran over to my dad and hugged his leg because I couldn't reach above his hip. I mean come on, the guy is 6ft 8in. I was just under 3ft, gimme a break.

Suddenly the door opened and my beautiful mother Lucinda walked through the doors and pouted in disappointment,

"Ohhh I missed it, how annoying." She said annoyed.

"Missed what my love." My dad queried confused at her.

"I missed seeing my charming daughter get out of whatever punishment you gave her." She chuckled lightly, chucking me softly under my chin.

"Well, I'm getting better Lucie, she only got half out of it this time" he said kissing his cheeky wife.

"She has you wrapped around her little finger, isn't that right Stevie." She said putting arms around her husband but looking at her handsome son.

"Ohhh yeah, she does he said picking me up and tickling me till my face was red from laughing so hard screaming in mirth for my dad to save me. He chased after Stevie to let me go and my mother stopped my father from getting to me. At this moment in time I loved hanging with my family. My heart was filled with happiness at this family moment that I would never forget no matter what happened.

After an hour of playing I could feel my little body get fatigued and my eyes were starting to itch with wanting to shut. I tried to outwardly show I wasn't tired but my mother knew me inside out and said

"Come on Kit, it's time to sleep my little cub. Stop fighting it because I see in you eyes how tired you are." My mother cooed at me and so I nodded and jumped in her arms.  She kissed the top of my head and gave me an Eskimo kiss. I giggled lightly at her and she carried me off to bed but I had fallen asleep in her arms before I arrived to my room.

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