Chapter 7 - The challenge begins.......

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I was sitting in my bed looking over the blueprints for the 100th time over the past two weeks when I thought back to my fight with Kato. It took 3 punches to the face to knock him out. I tied him to a chair and had a long chat with him and eventually he and I made up. He knew he had no claim over Dakota and I said when I move back to my wolf pack to be Queen and he ups his game, he could be the tribe leader and choose his own bride. He seemed to perk up at this and we shook hands. That's what I love about guys, you fight, talk and all is forgiven. Basically you go back to normal. Guy friends are so much more laid back and easier than girls, though I still loved my girls and one in particular, I always felt I was more of a guys girl than a girls girl.

Back to my 'one in particular' girl, I hadn't had time to see or be intimate with her in 2 weeks which sucked. I missed her cuddles, her beauty and especially our 'special alone' time. I was so stressed and frustrated I could really do with her company but not just for sex but her calming nature and wise words of wisdom to sooth me and the stress I was dealing with.
The reason i hadn't spent time with Dakota was because my time was taken up mostly by learning what fairy powers I had, since I was quarter fairy I didn't have all the powers of a fairy but I did have some. My powers were bound when I was born because my mother and father made a pact when I turned 18 I would receive a vile of magic juice to drink which would unlock my powers which my mother had given me the day after my birthday. They wanted me to reach my true wolf potential before learning more powers, they thought I would change to my wolf at 18 like everyone else but unfortunately for them that wasn't the case. In terms of my fairy powers I learnt I had the same powers as my brother like levitation, telekinesis and healing but whereas he could read minds I could teleport. I was an expert with a bow and arrow which I knew since I was 5. Teleportation was the best power although it was the hardest to master, I once tried it and ended up on a tree branch which snapped and I fell on my arm causing a clean break on both my arm and shoulder. It healed within a day but it was extremely painful at the time. That was the only power I hadn't mastered yet. I also had fairy speed but my wolf was already fast enough, this just made me a little faster so it wasn't much to master at all.

Like I said though, my time at the moment was jam packed. It started with my mother training me from 5 in the morning till 12, then I trained with the Warriors 1 till 5, then me, Cody and Cory went over all the blueprints and building plans that Jackson had managed to get us. He was a master at technology, he hacked into the VBI (Vampire Bureau of Investigation) on a daily basis totally undetected. He got interested in technology from a young age and had become one of the best hackers in the world thanks to the teachings from one of the witches on the island. She was also an expert hacker and taught Jackson all she knew and he had become even better than her by the time he was 16. Jackson and I were extremely close because of our closeness in age and also I was his god mother, weird I know considering I was only 5 years older than him but I was more than happy to look after him if the worst should happen. He could turn into his wolf any day now since the average age of becoming a wolf was between 16-18. He said his first mission was to choke out Kato which I could understand, even supported it after all, Jackson was a guy, and his ego was bruised so it's only fair he got to do the same thing to Kato.
I turned into a wolf earlier than he would because I was a Royal and royals were stronger so could take the strain of changing to a wolf earlier than a normal teenager could. Especially one who's mother was originally a human but Cody turned Geraldine into a wolf.
Although it's very dangerous to turn a human into a wolf, humans by nature crave power and becoming a wolf gives them more than they can handle. Although Cody was there every step of the way for Geraldine, that wasn't what worried him about turning his mate, his worry stemmed from the fact that he know if he turned her there's only a 70% chance she would survive the transition but after her constant persistence for him to change her, he did and thankfully survived.

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