Chapter 35 - The Games Begin

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Kits POV

He visibly relaxed until I said in a sickly sweet sing song voice "Oh Hannibal"

"Yeah" he grumbled out with a mouth full of chicken which he then swallowed loudly

"Remember what I said about red?" I asked in a sweet fake innocent voice.

"Yeah" he said excited

"Forget about it" I said with glee at the gleam of excited ness in his eye when I gave him the permission to do what he had wanted to do all night.

He wiped his mouth and said in a dark venom filled voice "okay"

All it took was one full second before All hell broke loose as he launched himself at the terrified Russian Cunt.

He leaped over the table with his own claws elongated and landed heavily onto the Russian King who was thrown off his chair and onto the floor with a backbreaking thud. In a flash Hannibal had the frightened King pinned to the wall and with his wolf teeth out he bit sharply into the Russian Kings shoulder tearing out a good chunk of flesh. His bloodlust went haywire as he went to take another bite of King Romanov's now profusely bleeding shoulder when Queen Anastasia who was the true Russian heir, grabbed Hannibal by the scruff of his neck and threw him strongly across the table with some serious Russian strength behind it

"Marcus catch him" I shouted as Hannibal was flying through the air and Marcus was there to catch him but the force turned out to be too much because once he crashed into Marcus he stumbled back into the opposing wall with Hannibal pressed against him. I felt a whoosh of air and an almighty hiss from my side when I saw Williams eyes blood red try to rocket across the table looking to kill Queen Anastasia for hurting Hannibal but Matty was blocking him trying his hardest to stop William from breaking the treaty. What surprised me was Wiliam looked to be too strong to be contained by just Matty that Adrianna had to step in. He looked like an enraged animal trying to escape a cage he was locked in. I had never seen him so angry and furious in my life and it shocked me because he was usually so laid back and placid. I decided to honour him and my warriors by leaping over the table and grabbed both royals by their throats and raised them 2 feet above the ground. Romanov and Anastasia tried to pry my iron grip off their necks but my strength overpowered theirs significantly. It would only be Adrianna I would have to use two hands against. I then screamed at them

"In about two minutes your faces will turn blue and you will faint from lack of breathing so, apologise to Hannibal and to Adrianna and myself for dismissing our relationship and disrespecting us in our own home. If you don't I will kill you, and make no mistake if any of your soldiers intervene I will command every wolf in this castle and the surrounding 3 miles to attack and kill them on sight. Now that's sorted your apologies.. Please" I said with false sweetness.

"S-s-sorry Adrianna" the King wheezed out "s-sorry I-I dismissed your relationship my Queen" he aimed only at Adrianna ignoring me making me roll my eyes and hold his neck tighter watching his eyes bulge out. His wife rolled her eyes because he would rather die than apologise to me so she struggled out with her dying breath "we are both sorry Kit to you too"

I put her down gently but held on a bit longer to the King holding tighter and said out loud "you better thank your wife because she just saved your worthless, waste of space, piece of shit life. Stay the fuck out of my way while you live in my home with Adrianna, oh and if you so much as look or even share the same breathing air as OUR daughter I will not hesitate to rip your head from your fucking shoulders and feed it to Hannibal." I grit out maliciously. I then proceeded to drop him to the ground rather unceremoniously which made him land with a thump and just as I was about to walk away he said or rather breathed out harshly.

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