Chapter 24 - Can i keep her?

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Kits POV

"Well I guess that was the reaction I was going for... Well bar Hannibal's response but I see that's going to be a recurring thing in the future." I said slightly confused.

"I believe that was a serious response not realising your great great great grandfathers actual name to be fair" he said seriously.

"Whatever you want buddy, I think delving into your kind of ideals and morals would give me an aneurism so for now I'm gonna go with your flow." I said giving up trying to understand the complexity that is all him.

"Okay so what we talking here, like how much stronger will we be." Jet interrupted impatiently.

"So I'm going to give each of you 5% of my power. That should be enough to help you in this competition." I said scratching the back of my head nervously.

"That's it? 5 per cent. Are you kidding me? That's like nothing, and I got excited for nothing" Jet said totally deflated.

"Be lucky she's willing to give you any you ungrateful mutt." Marcus muttered to Jet.

"Watch who your talking to gramps, I am no mutt and will beat you with my bare hands if you disrespect me again you big meathead." Jet shot back.

"Respect your elders Fet" Hannibal said winding Jet up further.

"My names Jet, not Fet you crazy mother fucker." She yelled at Hannibal whose green eyes glowed in rage at being called crazy and just as he was about to leap at Jet to possibly kill her I grabbed his collar and threw him back into a wall where he slumped to the ground in defeat.

"Look, were a team so no fighting unless on the training grounds. Now before you think I'm stingy with my powers Jet, remember when Rupert gave up all his power to create Alphas and packs, he gave each Alpha 1% of his power. It was enough power to control a pack and kill most vampires. Your getting 5% meaning you will all be 5 times stronger than an average Alpha." I finished slowly so they would understand.

"Okay well next time start with that instead of giving us percentages because I am ecstatic about this revelation now. Hold on though, that means you will be 20% down in power, will that have a detrimental effect on your ability to fight?" She asked trying to mask her worry which made me smile.

"No, I could still beat a Vampire Royal. Remember there is only one wolf queen but there are many vampire royals. There power is split though Adrianna is officially the strongest vampire in the world. She has a bit more power than the others. A royal wolves power isn't split at all making me the strongest creature in the world though I am still able to die from a well placed silver bullet. I said truthfully with admiration for my mate laced within my voice.

"So when do we get this power" Marcus asked politely.

"When I get back with our final team member. My best friend Eve is working on finding the spell I need and tweaking it to fit my requirements. So guys i am going to get our final recruit in tomorrow. We start training in 2 days, I suggest you make the most of this time to relax, explore, eat and be merry because come Monday, training begins and let me tell you that I will push you so hard that the only time I will let you stop is if your sick or collapse.

"Well I can't bloody wait!" Hannibal said in genuine glee which I kind of expected at this stage from that mad fucker.

"Great attitude to have buddy." I said in a upbeat tone.

Suddenly my beautiful daughter bounded through the door squealing "Mum, mum, mum I have Joey outside with Skyler, you said we could race you against us on Joey in your wolf form."

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