Chapter 6 - Engagments rings

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"Now Phoenix your challenge will be slightly different from ones we have had in the past. Considering your power and position, we deem it unfair to give you a challenge that would be hard for others whereas you would find it a 'walk in the park' so to speak. So with that in mind this challenge will take you to Tennessee in South East America. This challenge is more of a mission and you are able to take 2 other people with you since I know even you couldn't handle this on your own. So your mission should you choose to accept it, is to go to one of the biggest human child slave farms located in the southern part of Tennessee and rescue all the children bringing them back to Hawaii safely." He ordered trying to gauge my reaction.

I kept my face completely stoic but on the inside I was excited and very nervous about this challenge. I didn't even have to think about who to take, that part was the easy bit, the challenge itself would be extremely difficult. I paused for dramatic effect and then said confidently

"I accept the mission Chief Lakota. I would like to take Cory and Cody with me on the mission as well. Thank you for the opportunity to prove myself as being a valuable member of this great tribe." I finished respectfully.

"Your welcome, good luck and you have 3 weeks to complete this mission. Tribe dismissed." He said effectively making the crowd of people disperse off to where they wanted to be leaving me, my friends and family to go over what just happened.

"Wow, Phoenix. That's a hell of a challenge to take on, your brother would be so proud of you." Cody said proudly.

"Yeah, and thanks for choosing us for this mission though I'm sure there was no doubt in your mind, right?" He joked.

"Of course, you two are my brothers. There's no one else I'd rather have my back than you." I said happily.

"Excuse me Phoenix, sorry to interrupt the celebration but Chief Lakota would like to see you if that's okay?" He asked as more of a statement than a question.

"Of course, hey guys go back to the house and set up the party. I will be there shortly." I said still dazed from hearing my challenge.

I went to the Chiefs house which was the biggest in the whole of Hawaii, as you would expect. I knew every inch of that house considering the fact that for 2 years I'd been sneaking in to see my beautiful princess Dakota for a booty call.
The house itself was built of glass and wood and stood 3 stories tall. Soldiers stood outside at all times and as I approached they smiled at me letting me in.
I took the steps 2 at time and walked to the Chiefs office nearly going to the right instead of left since Dakotas bedroom is the right way and I was so used to going to it. I got to his office and knocked 3 times on his huge oak doors waiting for him to reply

"Come in Phoenix." He said chuckling at my politeness because usually I would just barge in, as my princess side would knock for no one.

"Hey Chief, you wanted to see me." I said while striding in and taking a seat.

"Well first things first, happy birthday. I got you a little something I want you to use when you feel ready." He said passing me a small box.

"Wow, thanks chief. You know just giving me a home and a family for the past 13 years is enough but thanks all the same" I thanked while curiously wondering what it was.

"Just open it Darling" he spoke softly.

I went ahead and tore off the wrapping paper and saw it was a small black ring box. I looked at him completely baffled and he smiled widely, gesturing for me to open it so I did and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head at what I saw. There sat in this velvet box was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my life. It was a white gold band covered with diamonds and at the centre was a large diamond heart with one smaller diamond on either side of the beautifully made ring. To say I was totally gob smacked would be the understatement of the year. I was totally blind sided and the chief just smiled widely at me studying my reaction carefully. I struggled to swallow the huge lump in my mouth and chose my next words carefully

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