Chapter 8 - From Russia with love

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3 years later...

My mission today had really taken its toll on me emotionally and physically. I was sat on the plane with a little blond toddler with big blue eyes and pale skin laid on my chest. When I got her on the plane, I had washed her, changed her diaper, fed her and made her warm but she was still crying whereas the others had gone soundly to sleep. She was literally balling her eyes out with heart breaking sobs, her eyes puffy and red raw. I couldn't work out what was up with her so I did what my mother used to do when I was really upset as a toddler and took off my top and lay her over my chest in just her diaper. Skin to skin contact, her head and body covering my chest and stomach and her little legs going either side of my hips and it calmed her body racking crying to tiny hiccups. Then her breathing gradually evened out and became deeper signifying she was asleep. I had tried multiple times to lay her back in the crib but she would jolt awake and begin her crying again until I just lay back in the seat and draped a blanket over her body. As a wolf my body heat was comforting to her and the blanket gave her some extra security. I couldn't blame her for wanting to feel safe with someone she knew would protect her and keep her warm. She hadn't had it since birth I assumed. When Jackson downloaded all the information from the super computer, we found they had contained information on all the children locked away, even the ones who had died in their care which made me grit my teeth at the thought. I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts by Jackson shoving an iPad in my face.

"Whoa, what's this dude?" I whispered so as not to wake up the toddler I had.

"I downloaded all the information to the iPad. I found what you wanted" he whispered sadly.

I studied his face and knew what I was about to read would be sad. I asked him to find out what the little girls story was. The conditions she lived in were horrific but she seemed more damaged than any other child I had ever encountered.

" Read it out to me, if I let her go she will cry and my heart literally breaks when she makes even a sniffle" I mumbled feeling embarrassed at showing my vulnerable side to Jackson.

"Okay, Errrr, so it says she was born into the facility. Her mother died from complications at birth or most likely lack of care from the vampire doctors. There's nothing on her father, to be honest I'm amazed she's even alive Phoenix. Her immune system is extremely under developed for a child her age because she didn't get the nourishment needed from breast milk. She has most likely had every illness a baby is susceptible too from when they are born. She reported to have suffered whooping cough, colic, strep throat, a cold, which eventually turned into pneumonia which they actually treated. She was tested 2 days ago and they found she had gastro-enteritis....." He stopped then and looked like he was gonna cry.

"Why'd you stop jack, is there more." I asked worried. He nodded not trusting himself to speak. "Just tell me, what were they planning to do to her?" I requested as nicely as I could.

He coughed and breathed a bit before continuing, a crack in his tone clearly evident "when they found she was ill again.... They were... They were going to leave her..t-to....d-d-die, it says here she was too much money to upkeep." He stuttered because of his feelings. He was extremely sensitive to this job but loved the feeling of being able to help those less fortunate than him.

My face hardened and I also wanted to cry for her. With the illness she had I knew the kind of pain she must be in, no wonder she wouldn't stop crying. I knew if we didn't get her medical help ASAP she would die in my arms but we had only left Russia 2 hours ago. We had another 10-12 hours before we land and then to a hospital.

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