Chapter 16 - Do you have a death wish?

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"Yes, my daughter, her name is Sapphire. She is 4 years old and your school system here is impressive from what I have heard and quite ahead of what we have from where I am from. She is my incentive to win, to make her proud of me and I know she won't be doing well without me. Although she is terrified of vampires I would like her to be around some nice ones so that fear can be eradicated. I want her to be fearless when she is older after all she will one day be queen. So this is my last demand to ensure my loyalty, let her come live with me and attend school here" I finished with conviction.

They all looked at me with mouths agape and eyes bulging which I guess... was what I expected.

"Sorry for our silence but the fact you have a daughter is shocking. I mean the guy you fucked must have been like the hardest fucker ever born and he actually not only had sex with the likes of you but gave you a kid."Matty gasped out laughing hard.

"Whoa whoa whoa, no douky has ever entered my pouky you small minded asshole. I'm a gold star lesbian meaning I only fuck women" and threw a wink at Adrianna who looked away but not before a saw a smile tug at the corners of her mesmerising mouth. "I eat rainbows for breakfast and ride unicorns for fun I'm that gay okay so let's just clear that up." I said seriously with a smile.

"Well I'm not an expert in biology but don't you need a man to have a kid." Jasmine said confused.

"I adopted her, well actually I saved her from the Russian slave prisons. She was about to die and I healed her. I fell in love with her and my wolf immediately felt protective towards her. She didn't even have a name when I found her so I named her Sapphire because she has the most beautiful blue eyes. She needs me, I can feel it so do we have a deal or not." I said.

"If I get to meet her then we have a deal." Adrianna spoke up.

"If Sapphire ensures your win then I don't see why not. Can I meet her too, Will asked softly.

"You both can but no fangs and maybe add make up to your pasty faces. Although I want her to be cool around vampires I don't want to scare her off forever. So as her mother I want to ease her in gently not throw her in the deep end." I said seriously.

"How you going to get her here then?" Jasmine voiced.

"A trade, the Witch Queens daughter is going to transport Stevie out and Sapphire in" I replied simply.

"How is it possible you know Eve?" Adrianna asked perplexed.

"Let's just say I have connections, now that we have a deal, could you excuse me. I need to talk to my brother." I said quietly because although my demands were met, my brother would not leave me without a fight.

I left the room while the others spoke about all my revelations and demands. Even some of the nearby guards went in to see what happened which made me chuckle as it was like they were desperate housewives who survived off gossip. I had just turned the corner when I heard the most mesmerising voice call out my name. I stopped instantly and turned around to see the most beautiful creature ever created gracefully stride her way over to me. My heart was beating a mile a minute in my chest so harshly I thought it was gonna burst out. Her scent getting closer and closer to me was making my wolf howl loudly in my head in satisfaction. She stood in front of me and smirked at me sexily making me gulp in desire.

"I was wondering if after you spoke to your brother we could have a private chat. I need to talk to you about this" she said gesturing her hands between us. "And before you come back with some smart ass comment, don't because you feel something for me, I know you do. I can literally feel your emotions, like right now your scared about talking with your brother." She said urgently.

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