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Adrianna's POV

It had been 5 minutes now since I declared I would fight Kit. She and my brother William had sat there like fish, with there mouths opening and closing trying to form words. I rolled my eyes again at their completely confused expressions.
It was Kit to speak first of course when she finally found her tongue.

"Adrianna are you seriously suggesting I fight you to prove I can still fight as well as I could before I gave away some of my power?" She asked as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yes Kit, that's exactly what I am saying and you agreed so it's all set." I said matter of factly.

"Well sorry to burst your over inflated bubble slash ego but I am not fighting you." She stated with conviction.

"I'm sorry, are you suggesting I have an over inflated ego? Have you checked out a mirror lately Kit. You are the personification of a huge ego." She said laughing.

"Personification huh, someone is bursting her IQ bubble. That your word of the day or just showing me how old you really are?" She challenged making me grit my teeth in anger.

"Yet the dumb blonde in front of me is stuck in a vampire castle refusing to fight the Queen who enslaved your people. You scared I would beat you Kit?" I challenged back. I could see the muscle in her jaw twitching meaning I was angering her too which satisfied me greatly.

"I see what your doing Ade, your trying to seriously piss me off so I will agree to fight you. I am telling you now, I will NOT fucking fight you!" She replied lowly in a deadly tone.

Although my brother took her threat seriously. I did not, she didn't scare me, it actually turned me on. I loved when she got angry and right now I could see her anger rising steadily. Her trying to control it though was my ultimate turn on.

"Why not Kit, why not fight me?" I asked lazily.

"BECAUSE YOUR MY MATE ADRIANNA!! I fucking love the bones of you. The thought of hurting you physically makes me sick to my stomach. I could never harm you because i love you so much though it hurts me to think it isn't the same for you. That you have no problem hurting me." She said ending sadly which made my heart wrench.

"Kit it isn't like that and you know it. To fully gauge how much power you have lost and see if you still have the best chance of winning the games you need to fight the best fighter we have and that person is me. I have been trained since I was 5 years old and I have been alive for well over 200 years. I was and still is trained by the best vampire warriors in the world in all different techniques of fighting. The fact I am also the strongest and fastest vampire in the world is a bonus for me against you." I said strongly.

"You train those VIP soldiers, have one or all of them face me instead." She shot back frustrated.

"Between you, me and Will that couldn't cut it. Kit, you broke a member of the VIPs skull with both hands tied behind your back and a blindfold on. They don't measure up to you at all so it has to be the best you face, and the best is me." I said simply.

"Adrianna, Kit has a point. You are her mate and I don't want to see you fight her. You could get seriously hurt." William said worriedly making me glare at him harshly.

"You have never seen me fight!" I fired back.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry sister but I have seen Kit fight and she is truly terrifying. I have to doubt your skills when facing her." He said slightly cowering against my steely gaze.

"Don't stress William, I'm not fighting her so you don't have to worry about it." Kit said smirking at me defiantly.

"Oh really Kit, your backing out." I said deviously.

Queen vs Queen (girlxgirl) Lesbian storiesWhere stories live. Discover now