Chapter 13 - Jenga or Monopoly

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Catori's POV

I paced my room for the 100th time trying to figure out when this started happening, and how the hell this is happening. I have never ever doubted my wolf but this, what my wolf wants is ludicrous.  It's an act of betrayal so great that I could lose everything and everyone but I cannot deny my heart this as well as my wolfs too, realising now what I felt was like a great weight lifted off my shoulders but also a tremendous guilt weighing heavily on my heart. What's worse is knowing the betrayal and still doing it anyway.
I knew at the time but I couldn't control my emotions and lost all self control in a split second and that's all it took for my wolf to take over and kiss her mate shocking both her and me but the sparks and fire that ignited within me couldn't be ignored. She was my mate and I'm sure deep inside she felt something too, I mean she kissed me back right? She must like me too on some level or it could be that I caught her at a vulnerable moment and she needed someone and I just happened to be there. Oh god, oh god, I need to tell someone or this will eat me alive and right at that moment a knock was heard at my bedroom door pulling me from my thoughts. I sniffed the air and smelt my dad Corys scent which made me sigh in immense relief it wasn't.... Her.
Hey my little ray of sunshine, I could hear you pacing your bedroom and knew that was your way of saying you are worried and need to vent. So vent away, what's up?" He said poking his head round the door.

I motioned for him to come in "dad, I did something really stupid and I don't understand how it happened." I said feebly.

"You know my sunshine, no matter what has happened I will always support you and love you with all my heart. Now tell me what's got my baby so worried." He said soothing my heart.

"I met my mate, I kissed her when she was vulnerable though and now she probably will never speak to me again but that's not even the worst part... She's already someone else's mate and she loves this person so much that she will probably never be open to looking at me the way she looks at her future wife." I said with tears running down my face and my heart tearing apart.

"Ohhh baby," he cooed and cuddling me into his strong embrace "if this girl is truly your mate she cannot be mated to anyone else but you. The moon goddess would never give you a mate who already has a mate. Whether your mate is a wolf or human. So tell me my little ray of sunshine, who's the lucky lady that stole your beating heart?" He asked smiling.

"That's just it dad, this is the worst part. My mate is..... Dakota, as in Phoneix's future wife Dakota." I said bursting into tears again " and I kissed her because I lost control and I have betrayed not only my sister but my best friend and future queen." I cried out, now bawling my  eyes out.

My dad still held onto me and stroked my back letting my tears drench his chest throughly shocked at my confession.

"Sunshine, the only way that can happen is if the bond between Dakota and Phoenix has been severed and the only way that can happen is if Phoenix has met a true potential ma....." He trailed off as in realising something important.

"What dad, what is it." I asked worried.

"Well shit!" he said more to himself than to me.

He shut his eyes and I heard him mind-link his brother and our current Queen Phoenix's aka Kits mother Lucinda to come to the house and meet him in my room. I had moved back in with my dad since Phoenix had been missing because I couldn't face living on my own without her there. I was about to meet her mum and had kissed her daughters fiancé, oh shit I panicked.

"Dad, are you going to tell them!! Please don't!! She will kill me for betraying Phoenix which I already hate myself for." I said pleading.

"Calm down sunshine, that part isn't what concerns me or will concern them. Trust me." He smiled

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