Chapter 11 - Are you fucking kidding me, I saved your life!!!

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Catori just sat there numb, her heart in bits making her chest ache in pain. There were voices surrounding her but she couldn't hear them, they were all arguing but it was pointless, she had been taken. Her future queen, the bravest and kindest person she knew, her best friend but most importantly and above all that, her sister, who she loved and grew up with was taken.... And she and her team did nothing or rather could do nothing, to help her. Catori looked around the room and saw Chief Lakota focusing on the argument before him with, sadness clear in his aged but wise face. Cody, Cory, their wives and Jackson were yelling at the Chiefs guards to fly them to the Queens palace but they refused vehemently claiming it was a suicide mission to out that it was Hawaii who were the masterminds behind the slave farm bombings. Trent was beside her with his head in his hands crying. His saviour and friend was gone, taken by the vampires and as good as dead if they recognised her. Although it got Tori thinking about it. She knew the vampires had control of television, newspapers and any form of media so if they did know she was the Wolf Queen she would have been executed on live television by now. So she thought, as they say no news is good news.
Tori then heard sobs of heart wrenching pain and turned to her left to see Dokota sitting on an armchair with her knees to her chest and her head leaning on her knees hiding her face. Her body was violently shaking due to her silent sobs. She had been hit the hardest by Phoenix's kidnapping. This was her last mission and she was going to marry Dakota and raise little Sapphire for a year or so before resuming work and taking over as Queen.
She remembered when she got off plane she looked to see Sapphire had seen the plane land and was so excited to see her new mama, her eyes gleaming with happiness that only Phoenix seemed to bring out of the little girl. Sapphire was still quite damaged from her time in prison but when she saw Phoenix her eyes just went from emotionless to full of stars and sparkles. When Sapphire noticed Phoenix wasn't with us and all our faces reflected pity and sadness she knew something bad had happened to her hero and when she realised that the sparkle in her eyes went out making them take on a dull hue. She was devastated and dropped to her little knees crying hysterically that a teacher had to intervene and take her back to the orphanage. The teacher had called Tori to let her know that the little girl had reverted back to not speaking again which broke her heart because with Phoenix she had come on leaps and bounds, so to be set back again frustrated her and knew it would upset Phoenix too.
Tori suddenly became so angry at Phoenix for being so god damn noble and saving everyone. Their lives were nothing without her and she knew Cory, Cody, Dakota and Sapphire felt the same as her. God she had only been missing for a day and Tori already missed her sister dearly.
She left all of them and now everyone felt useless and powerless to do anything. She was important to so many and she just gave up her life like a coin in a fountain. Tori decided to comfort her sisters fiancé since she knew Phoenix would want someone to be there for her. She walked to Dakota and wordlessly picked her up bridal style and sat in her chair holding her in her arms as she cried. Her head buried in the crook of her neck already wet by her tears. She wrapped her arms round her neck and Tori stroked her hair to try and calm her down. She then promised her they would find her even if they had to fly a plane there themselves. Before she begun to think of a plan the doors to the Chiefs door busted open and a very pissed off Royal Werewolf stormed in and yelled


The room went silent with everyone looking down guiltily except the Chief who just looked at her with sympathy and grief reflected in his eyes. He stood up and said softly his voice laced in sorrow

"I'm sorry Lucinda, the last mission was a set up, she saved the whole team and threw the boys in the plane with her fae powers but sacrificed herself in the process. No one could have predicted the Vampires cunning plan Lucy, we are all beside ourselves in grief at the loss of our best warrior, future Wolf Queen and my daughter in law." He said, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

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