Chapter 5 - 13 years later...

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"Hahahaha, Daddy let me go" I squealed laughing as he swung me round and round. We were  playing around being goofy like always when our fun got interrupted by Stevie who needed my father so he eventually put me down and I poked my tongue out at him making his eyes go wide in mock outrage. I started to giggle and then he chased me round the room where I was laughing trying to dodge him. He finally caught me and Stevie left us to our playtime as my dad threw me on my bed where I bounced a bit.

"Right my little peanut it's time for bed but as he strode towards the bed I saw Edward creep up behind him and before I could warn him Edward slashed his throat open laughing manically. My dad's blood sprayed all over the room and drenched me. I went to go to him but before I could I looked around and suddenly we were on a battlefield with death polluting the air. I fell beside my dad and stroked his hair while crying until I felt a harsh stab wound in my back, turning around I was faced with those bright green eyes that still haunted me.

"You are mine now pup" she screamed and went to stab me in the chest with her solid silver blade but I screamed out loud in anguish

"Phoenix, Phoenix, wake up" Catori screamed shaking me which made me sit bolt upright, feeling the sweat pouring off my body. I looked around wildly till my eyes landed on Tori. My breathing was laboured, my chest burned from exertion and my heart was pounding a tattoo against my rib cage.

"Deep breaths darling, slowly breath in and out, in and out, in and out. " she cooed calmly to me.

I did what she said and slowly started to relax, I felt my breathing and heart rate begin to regulate. I looked out my window and saw the sun begin to rise signifying it was at last my birthday which meant two things. One, my fairy powers would be unlocked AND two, I got too see my mum today. I missed her so much but I get to see her once every 6 months or special occasions which is when she comes to visit me. She had had so many close encounters with the vampires over the years but she always evaded them. I was safe because as far as we knew the vampires still thought I was dead when they found Andy's body. I was brought out of my reverie by my best friend Catori or as I call her Tori.

"Are you okay now?" She looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, thanks for being there for me Tori." I said thankfully

She smiled brightly at me and said "it's been a while since you had a nightmare Phe, what do you think brought it on?"

"I dunno to be honest, maybe cause it's my birthday? Who knows" I said shrugging my shoulders for emphasis.

"OH MY GOD, I'm so sorry I forgot that today's your birthday! Happy birthday bestie" she screamed in happiness and with that she jumped on me crushing me in her vice like hugs. I laughed at her enthusiasm and hugged her back. "Oh my god, I'm going to make you a birthday breakfast so stay right there and off she went. I chuckled to myself and lay back down. I put my hand behind my head and let out a deep breath thinking about the day I arrived here. I was still crying in Cody's arms when my mum told me she couldn't stay with me but that changed when I met Chief Lakota. He bent down to my eye level and wiped away my tears. He told me those were the last tears I'd ever cry. His eyes were warm and reminded me of the warmth in my fathers eyes and true to his word I have never shed a tear since. My first night in his tribe was a celebration, a re-birth of life he called it. It was tribe tradition that every member be re-born into this tribe and bear a new name if they so choose which i did, I felt Kit died on that battlefield as Andy.
The chief picked mine personally and said I would be named Phoenix because I have risen from my ashes and I would do great things one day. I loved it, I pledged my loyalty to this tribe and I have never looked back since.

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