Chapter 3 - To what do i owe the pleasure?

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Marcus was sat in his big leather chair leant back relaxing after a long day in his office. He was staring at the ceiling with anxiousness surrounding his heart. All day he had felt like something bad was going to happen soon and it wouldn't go away. His gut was telling him to prepare for something big but he pushed it down and tried to forget about it. Suddenly he heard his door open then close and knew by her beautiful lavender scent it was his amazing wife.
She came over and sat on his lap stroking his hair which relaxed him instantly. He looked deep in her warm hazel eyes full of love and leant in for a long kiss filled with longing and passion. She pulled back smiling showing off her pearly whites worthy of any Colgate advert.

"Well hello to you to oh husband of mine, would you mind telling me why you have been on edge all day sweetie?" She enquired expectantly.

He responded with a nervous smile that didn't reach his eyes "I can't explain it Luce, I have this bad feeling in my gut that somethings about to go down that could have a devastating effect and I just can't seem to shake it."

"Well usually I would tell you that you're just being your normal paranoid self but I have had that same feeling all day too." She said trying to hide the panic in her tone.

He looked relieved she felt it too but also even more panicked because of that same reason, But before he could ponder it further he heard a knock at the door and shouted for that person to come in. The doors burst open and in strode his best friend and fellow ally Queen Evangeline of the witches. His wife got up and gave her a bone crushing hug while rubbing her back, usually the witch moaned at my wife's over zealous greeting but today she seemed to hug her back just as tightly which surprised him.

"Oh Evangeline, I have been looking for you all day. I am so sorry to hear about the Blackwood coven in Africa. I swear to you we will have our revenge on those evil bloodsuckers." Lucinda rambled apologetically to the Witch Queen.

She pulled back and saw tears fall from the witches eyes which broke her heart that her friend was hurting. She cupped her face and wiped away her tears with her thumb smiling softly at her to hopefully soothe her in a way. Marcus stood up and went over to his long time friend and enveloped her in a warm bear hug which emitted a low growl from his wife. He smirked at her and she covered her mouth embarrassed she let her wolf gain control for a brief second. He felt the witch cry harder in his arms as he held her and stroked her hair trying to calm her down. She was extremely distraught by this loss, as Marcus knew he would be if he lost a whole pack.
When she finally calmed down her next words threw Marcus and Lucinda totally off guard

"Oh god.... I'm so incredibly sorry." She sighed into Marcus's now soaked shoulder.

He pulled away and searched her eyes trying to figure out why she was apologising. I looked to Lucinda and she just shrugged also confused at our witch friends apology.

"What are you talking about Evie, why are you apologising to us?" The Wolf Queen asked in her innocent manner which attracted her husband all those years ago. A trait which Marcus was happy to say she passed to Kit, while Steven inherited his realist attitude. Lucinda and Kit had an innocent dreamers attitude to life which he adored about them. The light in his darker yet more realistic world.

"I have betrayed you in a monumental way and I came to warn you of a peril you are going to be in. I had no choice, I love you both so much. You have been my family since this dreadful war started, I see you both as my brother and sister and would never willingly betray you...... But I am a Queen first and foremost and I have to do what's best for my people as their leader as I'm sure you both can relate to, right?!" She almost begged the Wolf King and Queen to agree with her.

Marcus looked to his wife who's face had gone a shade paler when Evie had said the word 'betray'. He knew this had something to do with the bad feeling he had felt all day and felt sick at the thought it had something to do with his long time friend.

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